Saturday, December 31, 2005
...but it's a synchronistic world! Not only have I discovered over the past few days that my Mum sailed to Norway from Newcastle in 1968 on the same boat I made the crossing to Sweeden on in 1999, but that her organic chemistry textbook for uni was written in part by non other than DJ Cram, one of the unholy triumvirate of supramolecular chemists. How strange and utterly creepy, considering I've got loads of his refs in my thesis. Funny old world.
Nice and clean
Had a bath. Still 2005. How to pass the time? They are getting a bit more tiddly downstairs! Ho ho ho!
...and not very much later still!
Seems I'm out to the circle of my parents friends! Nice to know that! Ah well, nothing much else to worry about.....and I still havent decided how to deal with it starting work in Leeds.....*big cheesy grin* Maybe I'll just moan about no man and be done with it......*tangent approaching*
....and a bit later!
People arriving for Dad's new year jobby - I'm going to get the older generation treatment! Never lesat they wont rub me on the head since I'm all bristly today (and quite itchy too). Harumph. How to become 12 years old again in one easy lesson.
Been sending messages to all and sundry. Hope everyone appreciates it! And my new year's resolution is apparently to go and visit people more often, though I'm more keen on the idea o Tony explained to me of divesting yourself of past mistakes rather than giving yourself fretworthies for the coming time. I shall endeavour not to let work overtake my life, however much I love it, and make more time for friends. And not let opportunities pass me by, or let apathy stop me from doing things!
More later? Probably!
Been sending messages to all and sundry. Hope everyone appreciates it! And my new year's resolution is apparently to go and visit people more often, though I'm more keen on the idea o Tony explained to me of divesting yourself of past mistakes rather than giving yourself fretworthies for the coming time. I shall endeavour not to let work overtake my life, however much I love it, and make more time for friends. And not let opportunities pass me by, or let apathy stop me from doing things!
More later? Probably!
New years eve
...and bugger me, if I forgot it was my Dad's birthday. Oops, big time oops. Ah well - he's busy getting ready for their new year party, so not too much missed, I hope! Apparently he's claiming to be officially old now, since he can claim his bus pass. Makes me feel dead old too, though I'm supposed to be in my prime right now! Doesnt feel like it, feel like I've not yet started living. Dearie me.
Have unpacked the car which took a lot less time than packing it. Looking at my leathers and feeling rather upset at the thought of bike left alone in Romsey. So yes, I am the sentimental type, even if it IS for a two-wheeled beast! Must remember to call about that next week. Needs sorting, and pronto.
Sent a message to this Neil character today, and *have* started to 2nd guess myself over the situation. Bugger. I'm in for an upset here, I think. What an arse. was a nice idea!
Probably be writing something again later......
Have unpacked the car which took a lot less time than packing it. Looking at my leathers and feeling rather upset at the thought of bike left alone in Romsey. So yes, I am the sentimental type, even if it IS for a two-wheeled beast! Must remember to call about that next week. Needs sorting, and pronto.
Sent a message to this Neil character today, and *have* started to 2nd guess myself over the situation. Bugger. I'm in for an upset here, I think. What an arse. was a nice idea!
Probably be writing something again later......
Friday, December 30, 2005
Driving driving driving....
...and here I am at home! Nice to have made it, even if I've abandoned loads of stuff in Southampton and will be back there next week to pick it all up! Ah well.....nothing like me for being disorganised, and many thanks to Baz for suggesting it's because I'm too clever! Things like that make it worth getting up in the morning! (:-)))))
Anyhow, a bit of a tizz this morning with lots of the howling and the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. I didnt realise I was such the sentimental sort - well, maybe I am - but it's another hit of the homesickness and the missing people and places. *blub* Now seems silly, but I think I'll be being upset again more than once in the next few days. Sorry people!
And on to fact number three, have managed to convince myself I've fallen arse over tit for this Neil guy, but intellectually I know it's me grasping at straws and lots of emotion to do with the move escaping like that. Anyhow, it isnt good. And perhaps made an arse of myself with the text messaging and the weird head on. *BIG FAT sigh* and then a *shrug* Who knows? Hope I get to see him next weekend and work it out a little, closure and all that bollocks!
Mood: moochy
Anyhow, a bit of a tizz this morning with lots of the howling and the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. I didnt realise I was such the sentimental sort - well, maybe I am - but it's another hit of the homesickness and the missing people and places. *blub* Now seems silly, but I think I'll be being upset again more than once in the next few days. Sorry people!
And on to fact number three, have managed to convince myself I've fallen arse over tit for this Neil guy, but intellectually I know it's me grasping at straws and lots of emotion to do with the move escaping like that. Anyhow, it isnt good. And perhaps made an arse of myself with the text messaging and the weird head on. *BIG FAT sigh* and then a *shrug* Who knows? Hope I get to see him next weekend and work it out a little, closure and all that bollocks!
Mood: moochy
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Mild bout of depressive
It's all about the move. Too much to think about, not enough time to spend with people. Guys, I'm going to miss you all shit loads and it's getting me down. *shrugs* Dont know why so badly! But I've had a bit of a blub over it all today, hopefully I'll feel better now. Tomorrow I'm going to set off up north, once I've shifted the bike, taking most of the stuff but not all. And I have to remember to change all the bills and things once I'm up north! Dammit.
Also spent another very nice evening with a guy called Neil. Why am I doing this to myself, meeting such great people only to have to drag myself away from them. IT'S BLOODY PAINFUL! I suppose it's mostly to do with the fact that I've not had a daily routine for a month now, so anything I do to make contact is worth it. Ach. Hopefully I'll stay in touch with the guy, ditto Cefyn and Steve and the rest. Oh bugger. What's more, I'm missing everyone from uni too.....
Why isnt this easier? Why am I whining about it so much?!
Also spent another very nice evening with a guy called Neil. Why am I doing this to myself, meeting such great people only to have to drag myself away from them. IT'S BLOODY PAINFUL! I suppose it's mostly to do with the fact that I've not had a daily routine for a month now, so anything I do to make contact is worth it. Ach. Hopefully I'll stay in touch with the guy, ditto Cefyn and Steve and the rest. Oh bugger. What's more, I'm missing everyone from uni too.....
Why isnt this easier? Why am I whining about it so much?!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Southampton again
Here I am back. Battery has now been removed and is busy charging - the fact that it is so doing suggests that it HAD run down, which means I'll have to get the alternator etc. checked up. Arse-y bollocks. Though now have got a friend coming over to help out who knows a good deal more! MANY MANY THANKS Steve.....*hugs*
Rest of xmas has left me feeling slightly restored. My sister is ab-so-lutely HUGE! Though half of that will be placenta, obviously, but it's really funny in a way....scary, majorly scary though. But at least she didnt go into labour over xmas, that really would have been too much. For everyone, I think. Much eaten, lovely stock made (that I'm not going to see, grrrrr), plenty of cake (though only 2 turkey sandwiches) and the reputation for fantastic gravy further cemented - though I dont know where it came from in the first place! Good stuff all round. And a smooth train journey back. Though I seem to have acquired the squits from somewhere, hope it's just the food overdose and not anything else - motorway driving with dodgy stomach NOT fun....
ANyhow, on with the eating and the packing!
Rest of xmas has left me feeling slightly restored. My sister is ab-so-lutely HUGE! Though half of that will be placenta, obviously, but it's really funny in a way....scary, majorly scary though. But at least she didnt go into labour over xmas, that really would have been too much. For everyone, I think. Much eaten, lovely stock made (that I'm not going to see, grrrrr), plenty of cake (though only 2 turkey sandwiches) and the reputation for fantastic gravy further cemented - though I dont know where it came from in the first place! Good stuff all round. And a smooth train journey back. Though I seem to have acquired the squits from somewhere, hope it's just the food overdose and not anything else - motorway driving with dodgy stomach NOT fun....
ANyhow, on with the eating and the packing!
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas la la la la la!
Oooooh, what a to-do. I'm currently in the bosom of my family (well, at my sister's - still family I suppose!), though yesterday was a bit of a trauma! Having gone out early on the bike and spent at least 5 hours going all over the place (including Salisbury, Ringwood, back to Salisbury and other ickle villages in Wiltshire), something cracked on my bike and all the electrics gave out! Aaargh! Could be either a discharged battery due to some odd alternator job, or a blown fuse. I didnt have time to check in out because a) I was in the middle of nowhere near Romsey; b) it was half three and about to get pitch black. So I had run her down the hill and abandon her in the car park of a pub with a friendly landlord. It being Xmas eve and LATE I couldnt do anything about it! So I had to leave it (sob! - hits me a bit) and run to the station to try and get a train. Suddenly realising Iactually recognised the street and looking up - bang! Justin's at the window and I give him a wave. No doubt he thought I was absolutely crazy but helped out somewhat - thankyou! Much stewing and panicking done on the train trip, but I've accepted the fact that there's nothng I can do till people get back up to speed after the holidays.
Quick nip home - no washing, eugh sweaty - and then turned around and rushed out again to catch train up to London and to sisters. Having a nice chilled time, mucho foodo and many nice text messages from people, thankyou all. Have to face the prospect of moving next week AND sorting out transport probs, AND finding place to live. Ah well, we'll see!
Nearly the end of the year - looking forward to 2006!
Quick nip home - no washing, eugh sweaty - and then turned around and rushed out again to catch train up to London and to sisters. Having a nice chilled time, mucho foodo and many nice text messages from people, thankyou all. Have to face the prospect of moving next week AND sorting out transport probs, AND finding place to live. Ah well, we'll see!
Nearly the end of the year - looking forward to 2006!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Christmas Eve
...and still no desire to pack anything. But I'll get onto it in a bit! Maybe after the holidays.....hmmm...that sounds better!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
My big fat gay wedding experience
Congrats first of all to the happy couple...and they are, for all the squabbling! Good luck to you both.
Fun day, all in up, washed and shaved (head - my god my face is looking scruffy now!) then sat and surfed the interwebummy for a while, reading all about Revelations and Vatican II, if you please (oops, should I mention that in this post?!), then headed into town for a quick breakfast snack and coffee, before attendance at civil partnership ceremony, first in Hampshire. Very nice, very thought provoking, a bit twee.....all things expected! Though admitedly being looked at most intently by the cross-eyed baby was a little offputting.....Then a drag of a journey to the reception, with some very nice food and rather a lot of wine. Much conversation with the drunken lesbian - who's a really nice person, dont get me wrong! - and with the table in general. Most amusing woman on the other side of table, she would have been worth talking to longer, and the veh-hery nice young man with the baby on the other side! More talking, then home for a short spell to discover broadband connection is down, arse. Am currently on dial-up till I can contact housemate tomorrow and sort it out! And then back again to wedding in the evening to talk with more people I've heard all about - most odd when you do meet them and have to ignore all you know and pretend like you are just getting to know them - and a little bit of beer. I'm going to regret it all in the morning, I know......
Anyhow, I think the happy couple are just that - happy. Wishing them all the best of what is to come! And I'll hopefully back to proper rambling tomorrow.
Fun day, all in up, washed and shaved (head - my god my face is looking scruffy now!) then sat and surfed the interwebummy for a while, reading all about Revelations and Vatican II, if you please (oops, should I mention that in this post?!), then headed into town for a quick breakfast snack and coffee, before attendance at civil partnership ceremony, first in Hampshire. Very nice, very thought provoking, a bit twee.....all things expected! Though admitedly being looked at most intently by the cross-eyed baby was a little offputting.....Then a drag of a journey to the reception, with some very nice food and rather a lot of wine. Much conversation with the drunken lesbian - who's a really nice person, dont get me wrong! - and with the table in general. Most amusing woman on the other side of table, she would have been worth talking to longer, and the veh-hery nice young man with the baby on the other side! More talking, then home for a short spell to discover broadband connection is down, arse. Am currently on dial-up till I can contact housemate tomorrow and sort it out! And then back again to wedding in the evening to talk with more people I've heard all about - most odd when you do meet them and have to ignore all you know and pretend like you are just getting to know them - and a little bit of beer. I'm going to regret it all in the morning, I know......
Anyhow, I think the happy couple are just that - happy. Wishing them all the best of what is to come! And I'll hopefully back to proper rambling tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Grease and gunk
Spent some time this morning cleaning the crap off my bike. Except for the underside bit where a lot of it collects (well, I'd have to take the thing apart to get in there!). Looks so much better now, and should be a lot more fun to ride today! Hooray! Managed to coat myself in gunge in the process though, surprise surprise, so shower has been had. Nice. Very nice!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Apparently, I'm a lazy arse!
Greed: | Medium | |
Gluttony: | Low | |
Wrath: | Very Low | |
Sloth: | Very High | |
Envy: | Medium | |
Lust: | High | |
Pride: | Very Low |
The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on
.....most odd, considering all the effort I put into thesis not so long back. Still, I suppose I'm procrastinating on the moving/settling bills/sorting life front.....
Best day out!
Had an amazing day out today, riding the roads....fabulous weather for it too, as it hasnt been too chilly either! Great! Up to Winchester - short hop - then out to Salisbury and down to Ringwood, then home. Gorgeous views across Wiltshire. And amazing numbers of SHITE CAR DRIVERS. Dear oh dear, I'm really getting a bugbear about them! I'll have to start putting notes on their windscreens. Buggrit. Anyhow, since it was so nice, managed to get out in my new leathers (purr, purr, stroke stroke), so basically a day of poseuring. Nice.
Home now, and tomorrow will be spent washing bike (sooooo badly needs it, been putting it off for far too long) and collecting more boxes and packing my clothes and kitchen goods. Maybe even foodstuffs, those that I wont use before time. There's not really anything left in the freezer, the boxes can go hang, and that's about it for my stuff! There's only the place to live issue now.....sure it'll work out fine tho.
Must check travel arrangements for xmas. Either how to get to D+J or train times! And weather and stuff! Oh my....
Home now, and tomorrow will be spent washing bike (sooooo badly needs it, been putting it off for far too long) and collecting more boxes and packing my clothes and kitchen goods. Maybe even foodstuffs, those that I wont use before time. There's not really anything left in the freezer, the boxes can go hang, and that's about it for my stuff! There's only the place to live issue now.....sure it'll work out fine tho.
Must check travel arrangements for xmas. Either how to get to D+J or train times! And weather and stuff! Oh my....
Lots of coughing today. Not pleasant. Unlovely and flemmy. Yick. Still, hopefully will be over soon! Another week and I should have recovered!
Andy (brizzle) has hooked himself up, I'm made up for the fella. Lucky boy. I however am discovering that I'm a square peg in a round hole! As per usual....I'm sure I only do it to be contrary.
Ummmm....true rambling style!
Andy (brizzle) has hooked himself up, I'm made up for the fella. Lucky boy. I however am discovering that I'm a square peg in a round hole! As per usual....I'm sure I only do it to be contrary.
Ummmm....true rambling style!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Still bunged up with cold, and coughing like there's no tomorrow. Nothing, really, but it sounds like I'm busy having Dickensian TB...ah well.
Evening spent with Matt despite mix-up over when I was supposed to be going. Never mind. Poor boy is all in a tizz over his big day, though I think we both appreciated the random chat - him to avoid that issue for a bit, and me to avoid thinking about moving. Which still needs to be done. And is going to be such a hassle! Still, I PROMISE that Tuesday will be spent organising for that and finding packables etc.
Bloody housemates shagging again. Ugh.
Also, I thought I might put in a link to my online profile, so you can all see a little bit more about me - though be warned, there might be a little bit TOO much info for some of you: Jane, it's nothing you didnt know already, so you'll actually be disappointed. For everyone else, a little snapshot into my life, and actually has a picture of me on it, too!
Time for bed.
Evening spent with Matt despite mix-up over when I was supposed to be going. Never mind. Poor boy is all in a tizz over his big day, though I think we both appreciated the random chat - him to avoid that issue for a bit, and me to avoid thinking about moving. Which still needs to be done. And is going to be such a hassle! Still, I PROMISE that Tuesday will be spent organising for that and finding packables etc.
Bloody housemates shagging again. Ugh.
Also, I thought I might put in a link to my online profile, so you can all see a little bit more about me - though be warned, there might be a little bit TOO much info for some of you: Jane, it's nothing you didnt know already, so you'll actually be disappointed. For everyone else, a little snapshot into my life, and actually has a picture of me on it, too!
Time for bed.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Car repaired, to the tune of £20, nothing really! *thumbs up* And so having spent morning waiting for that, spent afternoon not doing very much at all, just a bit of a jaunt around town. Still bubbling with cold, but the headache seems to have gone supporting the 'it was a mild hangover' theory. Good stuff. Went to Stuart's for tea and a bit of a yack, though he was being utterly paranoid and almost making signs of warding off the illness. Bless. Though we dont seem to have the same kind of discussion as we used to, bit of a shame. Maybe it's because I'm blatantly no longer interested in what he wants! Never mind, eh? The man is a good one, may he be at peace!
Blah di blah di blah....trying to make a decision about where to go tomorrow....I'm sorely tempted to do the IOW, since I havent yet and need to see the Needles before I go - or heading up Hampshire and having lunch at the pub I was in last weekend. Nice smelling foods there were! Mmmm, food.....and chicken tonight. When I get to Leeds I'll have to keep cooking well!
Blah di blah di blah....trying to make a decision about where to go tomorrow....I'm sorely tempted to do the IOW, since I havent yet and need to see the Needles before I go - or heading up Hampshire and having lunch at the pub I was in last weekend. Nice smelling foods there were! Mmmm, food.....and chicken tonight. When I get to Leeds I'll have to keep cooking well!
Not well
Seem to have done my usual winter trick of being able to have a break and coming down with something icky. Nasty nose and chesty coughs.......not pleasant.....and a little bit of a headache, but that could just be the drink from yesterday. Who knows? Suffice it to say, I'm feeling a little bit miserable today! At least the car should be fixed pronto, and I can get back on course with shifting things.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Hangover = bad
...and lasted almost all day. But I do think I've picked up some bug or other too, since I'm pouring with snot and sore throat. Going out yesterday to smoky places obviously did not help, and I'm crying out for a shower just now. Still, I've finally managed to buy the right size batteries for my clippers. Amazing, eh?
Bloody something snapped in my car yesterday, too. I think it's just the belt linking the alternator to the rest of the engine, since there were some nice squeals and then a pinging sound. Car will still move, but obviously battery is not recharging, which is no good. Obviously I'm cursed when it comes to motor vehicles. Not good. What with bike still awaiting repair. Hey ho.
At least I'm well sorted for most other things!
Bloody something snapped in my car yesterday, too. I think it's just the belt linking the alternator to the rest of the engine, since there were some nice squeals and then a pinging sound. Car will still move, but obviously battery is not recharging, which is no good. Obviously I'm cursed when it comes to motor vehicles. Not good. What with bike still awaiting repair. Hey ho.
At least I'm well sorted for most other things!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
oooh my head.....
Day spent nursing a hangover, from xmas party last night. Not a bad and painful one, just persistent, which is a bit of a bugger. Ah well, totally self-inflicted, I really shouldnt touch alcohol at all!
Dad's taken off a load of my things, I now have slightly less crap to remove home in a week or so. Scary. Living in two places at once again, but it does go to show how much stuff I have that I really can get along without. Never mind.
Dad's taken off a load of my things, I now have slightly less crap to remove home in a week or so. Scary. Living in two places at once again, but it does go to show how much stuff I have that I really can get along without. Never mind.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Odd feelings
Another MAMMOTH conversation with Cef, very interesting and wide ranging! Nice to have found someone to talk something more than mindless shite with, makes an honest change - though I do feel like I'm learning a lot at the same time, the man knows his onions. Also engenders a sense of lonliness, since I'll not be finding someone to talk to in the same way for a long time, purely intellectual conversation without fear of being though overblown. Makes me get the whole lonely feeling again......hmmmm.....
Thesis needs to be taken to be bound tomorrow, also need to wash up, obtain boxes and ring landlord. Xmas party tomorrow night too....though not it the mood for it really. May have to get a little tiddly.....though I need to pack things for Dad too! He's been very good to me, though I dont feel I deserve it just at the moment. Ah well, I'm getting used to that feeling.
Grrrr, wish the year was over already, and all this small hassles had been sorted out! Dammit.
Thesis needs to be taken to be bound tomorrow, also need to wash up, obtain boxes and ring landlord. Xmas party tomorrow night too....though not it the mood for it really. May have to get a little tiddly.....though I need to pack things for Dad too! He's been very good to me, though I dont feel I deserve it just at the moment. Ah well, I'm getting used to that feeling.
Grrrr, wish the year was over already, and all this small hassles had been sorted out! Dammit.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Random bit of creative output
Is the haiku like the sheep? We will assume it are some haiku I wrote today.....dont expect very much from them!
A steaming brown cup.
Reflections of self bound as
I raise, sip and exhale.
Lone amidst the crowd,
a bubble of self-loathing.
I scream silently.
Whence this longing sigh?
The world's mad and I fool.
A smile plays the lips.
A sweet and secret
promise, never truly told.
Who knows what love brings?
Couple in the trees
of mellow summer safety
breathe as one mind.
There you go. Hardly Basho reborn, but it amuses the mind and the pen! Well, my mind and my pen (green).
A steaming brown cup.
Reflections of self bound as
I raise, sip and exhale.
Lone amidst the crowd,
a bubble of self-loathing.
I scream silently.
Whence this longing sigh?
The world's mad and I fool.
A smile plays the lips.
A sweet and secret
promise, never truly told.
Who knows what love brings?
Couple in the trees
of mellow summer safety
breathe as one mind.
There you go. Hardly Basho reborn, but it amuses the mind and the pen! Well, my mind and my pen (green).
Thesis update
OFFICIALLY FINISHED! Well, until viva day is gone and I have zillions of corrections to do; still, that shouldn't take me longer than a week, I should think! Never mind. And now to enjoy the rest of the day....only got printing left to do.....that'll have to be tomorrow, I think....and the photocopying!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Biking in mist = not so fab
Yes, jacked in the numbering for a day on the road - though not much of it, since half the time in was so cold and damp in the air I had to ride with my visor up to see anything, and a bloody cold wind in the face isnt so fun! Just bet I've got goggle-eyes where road crap's been flying in my face. Never mind, eh? Bath night tonight!
Must remeber to do my socks, since I've got none left clean apart from the last remaining new pair. Also must pay my parking fine. Yes, much ashamed, I got in ticket in Winchester even though I dont see why; not blocking anything, or on any yellow lines (off the road in fact, but NOT blocking the pavement, and in fact next to the big metal jobbies for chaining bikes to! And all because I decided that it was no point sitting in the huge queue to get through to the Brooks; decongesting town, really. What a load of arse. Still, gotta pay it! *slapped wrist*
Been having deep and meaningfuls today, too, though they've not been very deep or meaningful or ery long lasting. So I'll scoot past that bit. Back to work tomorrow, and things to do include: Renumbering, showing about solid-phase stuff, and bagging boxes for me. I shall not ride in, it'll save time and effort! Alas.....need to plan my moving, once printing has been done.
Buggrit! Another day closer to 2006!
Must remeber to do my socks, since I've got none left clean apart from the last remaining new pair. Also must pay my parking fine. Yes, much ashamed, I got in ticket in Winchester even though I dont see why; not blocking anything, or on any yellow lines (off the road in fact, but NOT blocking the pavement, and in fact next to the big metal jobbies for chaining bikes to! And all because I decided that it was no point sitting in the huge queue to get through to the Brooks; decongesting town, really. What a load of arse. Still, gotta pay it! *slapped wrist*
Been having deep and meaningfuls today, too, though they've not been very deep or meaningful or ery long lasting. So I'll scoot past that bit. Back to work tomorrow, and things to do include: Renumbering, showing about solid-phase stuff, and bagging boxes for me. I shall not ride in, it'll save time and effort! Alas.....need to plan my moving, once printing has been done.
Buggrit! Another day closer to 2006!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Biking = FAB!
Had a most marvellous day......there are two things right now that I am enjoying would be my cups of coffee, that I'm having like mad (must, MUST rehydrate this evening though!) and the other would be the biking. Diddled out all over the place today, and I certainly notice the difference with my GS than with the old Sachs (which was great fun too). Thanks to a tip-off from Cef yesterday, scooted up through Winchester (full of brass bands and school-girl choirs - not little boy choristers to be seen!) and out to Alton to huge sale on at a bike shop up there. Since I was going slow, obviously they'd sold everything they were going to by the time I got there, but some very, VERY nice big bikes they were trying to sell. Already I'm eye-ing things up, but NO, I REALLY DONT have the money for it, much as I might like to think so! And then back throuhg Bishop's Waltham with the sun in my eyes and large amounts of dirt on my visor (literally a thick black film). All in all, a very good day, a fun day, and though I spent all of it sitting down, a very tiring day! Only thing to make it better would have been someone to talk to during it, but hey ho, not to be done. I'll have some dinner and then maybe head out again this evening, who knows? I've got the bug for verbal diarrhoea, it seems.
One little note though, thanks to the bands in Winchy - they were collecting for charity, all of them, with the Sally Army out too - one of them, a 4-piece were playing some Bach and it was the most beautiful thing I've heard in a long while. As I read the other day, 'nicht Bach, sondern Meer', and it seems to be the case! May have to tune in and listen to some of this BMW (no, not the motor-company!) run-through of his entire collected works. Hmmmmm. Nice to know that music can still move me like that though - a lot of the time I dont seem to notice it. Good songs that surround me, yes, but nothing that snatches at your soul and says 'THIS is why people strive after musical perfection'; beauty, complexity and lashings of yearning. And all from a bloody 4-piece brass band! Dear oh dear.....
Tomorrow I MUST (see that: MUST) go into the dept and re-jiggle my thesis numbering, so it is all ready for printing in the morning. Good stuffage. And I might see if Louise is about and ask her for a coffee. Bit of a shame I've only really gotten to know her over the past year - she's a damn nice person!
One little note though, thanks to the bands in Winchy - they were collecting for charity, all of them, with the Sally Army out too - one of them, a 4-piece were playing some Bach and it was the most beautiful thing I've heard in a long while. As I read the other day, 'nicht Bach, sondern Meer', and it seems to be the case! May have to tune in and listen to some of this BMW (no, not the motor-company!) run-through of his entire collected works. Hmmmmm. Nice to know that music can still move me like that though - a lot of the time I dont seem to notice it. Good songs that surround me, yes, but nothing that snatches at your soul and says 'THIS is why people strive after musical perfection'; beauty, complexity and lashings of yearning. And all from a bloody 4-piece brass band! Dear oh dear.....
Tomorrow I MUST (see that: MUST) go into the dept and re-jiggle my thesis numbering, so it is all ready for printing in the morning. Good stuffage. And I might see if Louise is about and ask her for a coffee. Bit of a shame I've only really gotten to know her over the past year - she's a damn nice person!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Funny old world, aint i?
Oh arse, I'm always doing this to myself! In barely a couple of weeks before I move oop north and possibly away from Hamsphire for all eternity, I'm coming up with any number of reasons to stick about! Am really starting to appreciate this inertia thing now that the pressure is totally off as far as work is concerned (because I'm not doing any), and would really love to stick around this neck of the woods! Still, I'm going to Leeds to start afresh for the umpteenth time.....*sad face*.....Jon-ster is feeling all sad and lonely....still, I'm sure it's only a passing phase. Wish it'd bloody hurry up and pass though! Not enjoying feeling like this. Just making new friends and then I have to bugger off! NOT good. And would quite happily trade in the chemistry thing, if only for a while (though I dont think I really mean that, I'd go loopy doing other kinds of work!)
Thesis update: Numbering remains solely for experimental, and a few references still to type in, which will all be accomplished this weekend ready for playing the 'where the heck do I print this thing' game on Monday. And then bind and submit. Hmmmmmm. Anticlimax? A little! But it's not over yet, so I'm jumping the gun!
Dad also coming down coming week to help with stuff shiftage. It's going to be a real bind moving all this stuff once again, though to be fair I've never arranged all my rubbish to my own satisfaction (basically because at heart I'm an anal retentive who likes neaten, neaten), since I have so much of it! (not enough space to set it out properly!) I need to have a bit of a pruning back of things I keep around me - trouble is, with the move, I'll need more stuff to keep me entertained until I make new friends! A bind, somewhat, no? Ay me.
Um. Long conversation with Cef today, very easy to talk to, that man. I need to know more people like him. Also need to see people more often! So there we have it: Jon-ster = short attention span. And lacks hugs. *whinge*
Enough of this now, I think! Tomorrow I shall be ringing the garage and probably having a bit of a ride....and do the washing up and some hoovering and the like. Domestic bliss! And sunday to be spent doing the renumbering, I think. Hmmmmm. And I need to acquire boxes, and remove the TV from the car! Also have to think about switching names on bills.....maybe I'll do that in the New just doesnt go away, does it!
Thesis update: Numbering remains solely for experimental, and a few references still to type in, which will all be accomplished this weekend ready for playing the 'where the heck do I print this thing' game on Monday. And then bind and submit. Hmmmmmm. Anticlimax? A little! But it's not over yet, so I'm jumping the gun!
Dad also coming down coming week to help with stuff shiftage. It's going to be a real bind moving all this stuff once again, though to be fair I've never arranged all my rubbish to my own satisfaction (basically because at heart I'm an anal retentive who likes neaten, neaten), since I have so much of it! (not enough space to set it out properly!) I need to have a bit of a pruning back of things I keep around me - trouble is, with the move, I'll need more stuff to keep me entertained until I make new friends! A bind, somewhat, no? Ay me.
Um. Long conversation with Cef today, very easy to talk to, that man. I need to know more people like him. Also need to see people more often! So there we have it: Jon-ster = short attention span. And lacks hugs. *whinge*
Enough of this now, I think! Tomorrow I shall be ringing the garage and probably having a bit of a ride....and do the washing up and some hoovering and the like. Domestic bliss! And sunday to be spent doing the renumbering, I think. Hmmmmm. And I need to acquire boxes, and remove the TV from the car! Also have to think about switching names on bills.....maybe I'll do that in the New just doesnt go away, does it!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Know something?
I know your thesis is B-O-R-I-N-G. And I still havent done it all yet, have to got through experimental and do all of that, too! Tomorrow will be spent at that, and at the comp altering the numbers AND suchlike. Tedious, no? Still, nearly finished....that's the main thing! May put off going home until Sunday, might give me a bit of extra time to pack (not that I really want to, since it'll induce wheeziness!
Have also rather scared myself with this, since I've been on the black stuff all day! And I mean seriously on the stuff, not really dilute cups of instant, but full blown enormous soup-bowls of the stuff made from espresso (Good god, not neat espresso, then I'd be literally flying). I like coffee. So much for Fifth Precept, eh? Thankfully it's nothing more sinister that I'm dosing myself with! And it'll keep me buzzing all night.....right past my meatballs (which I'm feeling the need for soon, despite enormous lunch) and on into surfing for ever and ever and ever....actually, I might nip up to work and print out experimental tonight, then I can get a head-start on the scribbling tomorrow, no?
Must remember to do two things: phone garage and phone matey in Leeds about staying. Alas, a Jon-ster's work is never at an end!
Have also rather scared myself with this, since I've been on the black stuff all day! And I mean seriously on the stuff, not really dilute cups of instant, but full blown enormous soup-bowls of the stuff made from espresso (Good god, not neat espresso, then I'd be literally flying). I like coffee. So much for Fifth Precept, eh? Thankfully it's nothing more sinister that I'm dosing myself with! And it'll keep me buzzing all night.....right past my meatballs (which I'm feeling the need for soon, despite enormous lunch) and on into surfing for ever and ever and ever....actually, I might nip up to work and print out experimental tonight, then I can get a head-start on the scribbling tomorrow, no?
Must remember to do two things: phone garage and phone matey in Leeds about staying. Alas, a Jon-ster's work is never at an end!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
A bit late, aint it? Why dont I just go to bed?!
This is why....I have to tell you all about this which is the funniest thing I've heard in a long while.....make sure you arent anywhere you shouldnt be listening!
This is why....I have to tell you all about this which is the funniest thing I've heard in a long while.....make sure you arent anywhere you shouldnt be listening!
Day of not much
Funny day, spent not doing anything particularly constructive. Printed out thesis in microscopic format - I can still read it! - in order to scribble all over it and do the typographic stuff. A coffee in town, another coffee in town, lunch......not much work going on during this time!.....and then an afternoon at home. Dithering all over the place about the move, I'm totally not prepared for it (because I've not had a months holiday to sort it all out!). Erk! Need someone to take it over and just DO it. I'm so not an organised person.
Here I go again, but there's something drawing me to stay around Hampshire. I think it's just an inertia thing, because I've been here so long. It was kinda the same when I first left Bristol, if I remember, because that had been home for so long too! Ah well, I'll get used to it eventually....who knows, I might be somewhere else again in a year's time!
Here I go again, but there's something drawing me to stay around Hampshire. I think it's just an inertia thing, because I've been here so long. It was kinda the same when I first left Bristol, if I remember, because that had been home for so long too! Ah well, I'll get used to it eventually....who knows, I might be somewhere else again in a year's time!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Actually not so bad....
...since I've managed to do most of the edits already! Tomorrow to be spent proofing and renumbering and all that gubbins = NOT fun. And this weekend to go back home with half my crap. Not so nice, since I'll have to make big decisions regarding what goes and what stays! Tactical clear-out, perhaps, I dunno.....accumulated far too much rubbish over the years, I have; though a lot of it will be kitchen stuff, which is more important to have down here! Oh arse, too much to think about...
Maybe I should learn this whole 'no possessions' thing, certainly would make moving a helluva lot easier!
Maybe I should learn this whole 'no possessions' thing, certainly would make moving a helluva lot easier!
Work, work, work, work
Checking back from boss re: thesis today. Quite a bit more chopping and changing to be done, like shunting whole chapters about! Aaargh! Going to be a bit of a heavy week for it, doing tedious writing work that I really dont like. Still, should all be over soon. Bloody well hope so, anyway. Cant be having with it dragging out over xmas and the like!
Nose to the grindstone, I guess.....Arse.
Nose to the grindstone, I guess.....Arse.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I know this is, like, only 5 minutes after me enormous outpouring, but it seems that my neighbours are shagging again. Most annoying. Dont they know I can hear ever sodding bang? How anti-social! At least they could vary the routine a little, or invite me over or something....I dont know......
Nice day out!
Really nice weather today, so tootled off to Andover on a bike ride to meet up with Keith. Well, it was totally clear first thing in the morning, but by the time I got out on the road, it had decided to overcast and was bloody freezing. Be warned people - getting frostbite with gloves on is not outside the bounds of possibility! Ouch, that hurt, getting my circulation going again! Had to stop off in Stockbridge on the way there, just for this purpose. Still, when I crested over the hill, the sun poked itself through the clouds and it turned into a right gorgeous one. Perfect wintry weather, none of this dismal and damp rubbish. Warmed up nicely. Had a coffee and a yack, then an explore of Andover - there's not much to it, but is probably a nice enough place to live if you like your quiet - and lunch. First roast dinner in a good long while! I should get people to make me them more often, as it's a bit cack cooking them for yourself. Then a zoom along to Salisbury in the sun......decent enough road to ride, really, and nose about there and another coffee before the rain came back in. Not too heavy, but it blew over and followed me all the way home! Good job I have decent waterproofs, eh? Lovely and dry. Back home to a darkened house, and I'm back on the pizza again tonight! I should really go shopping, but it hardly seems worth it since I've got a freezer with things in to eat and only about 2 weeks left down here.....shocking thought. Gonna miss all you people down this neck of the woods!
The most exciting thing about today though, is (you are all going to thing I'm warped!) that I've spent the enitre day in my England top under my gear, cue - enclosed space for sweating - and so I now have my entire pheromonal display clinging to me, and damn it, if it isnt rather good! Ever been disgustingly muddy after, say, a game outside or an inadvertant fall in a bog whilst on a hike, and when the mud dries there's some kind of undefinable niceness about it all? No? Well, this is kind of the same thing, only in an olfactory frame! Oddly enough, I'm finding it all rather horny.....disturbing? Probably! Anyone after having a sniff, you've got a couple of hours to get here and appreciate it!
Enough of the weird, I think. Back to internet games!
The most exciting thing about today though, is (you are all going to thing I'm warped!) that I've spent the enitre day in my England top under my gear, cue - enclosed space for sweating - and so I now have my entire pheromonal display clinging to me, and damn it, if it isnt rather good! Ever been disgustingly muddy after, say, a game outside or an inadvertant fall in a bog whilst on a hike, and when the mud dries there's some kind of undefinable niceness about it all? No? Well, this is kind of the same thing, only in an olfactory frame! Oddly enough, I'm finding it all rather horny.....disturbing? Probably! Anyone after having a sniff, you've got a couple of hours to get here and appreciate it!
Enough of the weird, I think. Back to internet games!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
...pensive evening. May have to jot down lots of yammering, which will promptly be forgotten in the morning!
Anyhow, a lazy day spend doing bugger all but spending more cash - why do I have this fixation on going out to drink coffee when I have a perfectly good mocca, some instant even a percolator and all the free water I could ask for? Two pounds for some ground up stuff and boiled water? I'm mad. But they do make a better cup than I can! Caffeine addiction, not so good. And I've only got decaf at home, of course. Anyhow, total of coffee today - one in soton, one in romsey, one in lyndhurst. Quite enough for now, I think!
Other than that, interesting conversation with Andy (that's Bmouth Andy, not Bristol Andy - this could get confusing!) brought my attention to something. I think I may have worked out why I dont like going clubbing and barring and the like. It runs a little something like this; normally when I go somewhere, there's a reason behind it, like I want to buy such and such, or have a cup of coffee, or meet so and so....even when I'm out randomly looking for something different, there's a sense of wanting to be out in the wilderness or wherever. As for clubs, the question 'why the arse am I here' always springs to mind! What a short attention span I have. How the hell did I manage to stay dedicated through three years of mind-numbing research work?! (Actually, that one I know - it was the sheer horror of having to go and do anything else!)
Saturday evening now to consist of pizza (in a bit) a nice long bath and I havent a clue what else. Maybe I'll go hunting for that holiday I want to have......any ideas, anyone?
Anyhow, a lazy day spend doing bugger all but spending more cash - why do I have this fixation on going out to drink coffee when I have a perfectly good mocca, some instant even a percolator and all the free water I could ask for? Two pounds for some ground up stuff and boiled water? I'm mad. But they do make a better cup than I can! Caffeine addiction, not so good. And I've only got decaf at home, of course. Anyhow, total of coffee today - one in soton, one in romsey, one in lyndhurst. Quite enough for now, I think!
Other than that, interesting conversation with Andy (that's Bmouth Andy, not Bristol Andy - this could get confusing!) brought my attention to something. I think I may have worked out why I dont like going clubbing and barring and the like. It runs a little something like this; normally when I go somewhere, there's a reason behind it, like I want to buy such and such, or have a cup of coffee, or meet so and so....even when I'm out randomly looking for something different, there's a sense of wanting to be out in the wilderness or wherever. As for clubs, the question 'why the arse am I here' always springs to mind! What a short attention span I have. How the hell did I manage to stay dedicated through three years of mind-numbing research work?! (Actually, that one I know - it was the sheer horror of having to go and do anything else!)
Saturday evening now to consist of pizza (in a bit) a nice long bath and I havent a clue what else. Maybe I'll go hunting for that holiday I want to have......any ideas, anyone?
No....I didnt get up especially early to write this (though I think I'm still registered in US time, which would make it weird!), just got back from Pompey after random evening out. Went to see Topping and Butch, and to be fair, didnt really think all that much of 'em. Is this heresy? No. Basically, I think the comedy they run to is very heavy on the puns and gags, and I couldnt bloody make out half the words they were saying as they were being blasted through a sound system far too loud for the size of the room! Which is fine for people who know the words already, but not for those of us who havent a clue! Anyhew, made a change to get out, even if it was interesting driving in the rain and high winds (and some people are effing stupid the way they drive, my god - zipping along at blatantly over 100 in the driving rain, head and side winds AT NIGHT. Ye gods, I do despair.....)
Also got mildy groped. The perils of being Jon-ster. Never mind. Roll on tomorrow! And Monday, so I can get some of my thesis - hooray for all that rubbish!
Also got mildy groped. The perils of being Jon-ster. Never mind. Roll on tomorrow! And Monday, so I can get some of my thesis - hooray for all that rubbish!
Friday, December 02, 2005
It was a dark and stormy night....
....and Jon-ster was rather peckish. So what else is new?!
Really grotty out this evening! Hope it clears up by tomorrow, I really need to clean the worst of the schmutz off my bike, it's rather hacky (comes from riding, I guess). Nothing worse than sodoing in the rain! And want to check everything out too. But tonight shall be a late one, meseems - off to Pompey on an unexpected invitation! What the hell.......
See you all tomorrow, my lovelies!
Really grotty out this evening! Hope it clears up by tomorrow, I really need to clean the worst of the schmutz off my bike, it's rather hacky (comes from riding, I guess). Nothing worse than sodoing in the rain! And want to check everything out too. But tonight shall be a late one, meseems - off to Pompey on an unexpected invitation! What the hell.......
See you all tomorrow, my lovelies!
Bored and mildew
Two parts to the title.....One, bored, is quite obvious, and the other is quite rank, really. Not having done any laundry in FAR too long (yes, I'm an unreconstructed male student), I've discovered just how bad our damp problem is. A lot of the clothes in the bottom of my laundry bucket are looking like they're rotten! Covered in dodgy mouldy stuff - they shall now be getting a damn good washing, but it does mean that I've probably released a couple of million spores into the air and shall be regretting it tonight. Ah well, cant be helped! I'll cough and splutter for all that I'm worth!
Went for a nice lunch at Martin's today - thanks M (:-) [have to credit him since I know he reads this jobby now], and a bit of a yack. Talking about my moving making me realise how close the event is! Scary.....three weeks, according to Matt yesterday. And still not remotely organised to do anything! Ah well, that's me all over. Have to make sure I see everyone before I go - though there's not many people left that I havent seen. Anyone else want some time with the Jon-ster? Sign up below and I'll try and squeeze you rude comments please, Mr P.
Grotty weather has decided to clear up a tad. May head out again! Good fun. And I have to clean bikey tomorrow, not a fun job but I'll feel better for it when I've done it.
That's your lot for now. If I feel like a moan later, I'll scribble something up. Natch.
Went for a nice lunch at Martin's today - thanks M (:-) [have to credit him since I know he reads this jobby now], and a bit of a yack. Talking about my moving making me realise how close the event is! Scary.....three weeks, according to Matt yesterday. And still not remotely organised to do anything! Ah well, that's me all over. Have to make sure I see everyone before I go - though there's not many people left that I havent seen. Anyone else want some time with the Jon-ster? Sign up below and I'll try and squeeze you rude comments please, Mr P.
Grotty weather has decided to clear up a tad. May head out again! Good fun. And I have to clean bikey tomorrow, not a fun job but I'll feel better for it when I've done it.
That's your lot for now. If I feel like a moan later, I'll scribble something up. Natch.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
....of chicken. Nice. Good to have dinner! And today was mostly spent falling asleep whilst editing paper. God, if I even send myself off to sleep with it, how is anyone else going to appreciate it? Really quite tedious.....need boss to have a look at it soon, as there's not much more I can do on it till I talk to him - so I'm taking tomorrow off! Woo!
Good news on the housing front - we may have people to move in straight away after we leave, which would be FANTASTIC! Would make my life a hell of a lot easier and less stressful. Fingers crossed, everyone.
Must remember to run my little errands tomorrow: 1) Bank, 2) Pharmacy.
Just realised, I'm being totally uninspired in writing this. Guess it would be easier if I aimed it at someone in particular (and then everyone else could just be voyeruistic about the whole thing - if any reads this at all! Maybe I'll have to invent ANOTHER imaginary person to talk to....*sigh* life is just so great at times!
Off to Matt's in a bit for purposes of devouring bottle of wine. Should be a laugh, not seen him in a while!
Good news on the housing front - we may have people to move in straight away after we leave, which would be FANTASTIC! Would make my life a hell of a lot easier and less stressful. Fingers crossed, everyone.
Must remember to run my little errands tomorrow: 1) Bank, 2) Pharmacy.
Just realised, I'm being totally uninspired in writing this. Guess it would be easier if I aimed it at someone in particular (and then everyone else could just be voyeruistic about the whole thing - if any reads this at all! Maybe I'll have to invent ANOTHER imaginary person to talk to....*sigh* life is just so great at times!
Off to Matt's in a bit for purposes of devouring bottle of wine. Should be a laugh, not seen him in a while!
Something or other
Much better night last night, what with afternoon nap as well - shame I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep some more! Such is life, I suppose. Doc's appt today tho, so have to go out at some point....
Rather nice evening yesterday spent in pub in the company of nice guy, hope we can stay friends! Though what I really dont need at the moment are friends on the South Coast; people of Leeds, contact me!
Rather nice evening yesterday spent in pub in the company of nice guy, hope we can stay friends! Though what I really dont need at the moment are friends on the South Coast; people of Leeds, contact me!