Monday, November 26, 2007

Manky lip

I've got a cold sore. Or similar. So now I not only have Herpes simplex in my eye, I've got it all over my face as well. I'm so lucky (:-)

It isnt actually that bad, now just an annoying patch right in the centre of my bottom lip which is both sore and just at a point where I cant leave it alone. So I'm not best pleased with it, but will soldier on nevertheless!

Winding down the year at work, and I've kinda run a little out of steam with it for a bit....not a lot moving forward just now, so I've no reason or pressure to hurry it up, so I'm not bothereing unduly......this will no doubt be changing come the new year!

Blogging has really taken a back seat for a while, and though I keep promising to keep up with it, I dont seem to. Enough stuff in life to entertain me? Or a gradual dissatisfaction with my own writing. Possibly both. Likely both.

Itchy eyes at the moment, so I'm going to go rest them in bed. And sore throat. Maybe I *am* coming down with something bigger......we'll see.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Where have I been? Well, nowhere in particular. I've been doing my usual observation of the world, but just not blogging it. It's all a bit ephemeral anyway, so I'm sure it's not been missed. Well....

No news to report, pretty standard, eh? I could make something up, but I cant be bothered. So fill in your own blanks. It'll be much more interesting than the truth!

I'm actually having some time off this weekend, clearly I'm far too dedicated since I've not taken any holiday till now. So really I deserve to take off most of December; but I'm rather too interested in getting on with work stuff, clearly far too invested to put it down! But then you all knew I was on the obsessive side of obsessive.

Likelihood is that I will be a Irish dwarf in the upcoming panto. Could be interesting. Could also be hideously awful. We'll see (:-)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fecking hilarious

And she's dead talented too. Two-and-a-half minutes of fun to be found here.....