Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Know something?

I know your thesis is B-O-R-I-N-G. And I still havent done it all yet, have to got through experimental and do all of that, too! Tomorrow will be spent at that, and at the comp altering the numbers AND suchlike. Tedious, no? Still, nearly finished....that's the main thing! May put off going home until Sunday, might give me a bit of extra time to pack (not that I really want to, since it'll induce wheeziness!

Have also rather scared myself with this, since I've been on the black stuff all day! And I mean seriously on the stuff, not really dilute cups of instant, but full blown enormous soup-bowls of the stuff made from espresso (Good god, not neat espresso, then I'd be literally flying). I like coffee. So much for Fifth Precept, eh? Thankfully it's nothing more sinister that I'm dosing myself with! And it'll keep me buzzing all night.....right past my meatballs (which I'm feeling the need for soon, despite enormous lunch) and on into surfing for ever and ever and ever....actually, I might nip up to work and print out experimental tonight, then I can get a head-start on the scribbling tomorrow, no?

Must remember to do two things: phone garage and phone matey in Leeds about staying. Alas, a Jon-ster's work is never at an end!


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