Thursday, December 01, 2005


....of chicken. Nice. Good to have dinner! And today was mostly spent falling asleep whilst editing paper. God, if I even send myself off to sleep with it, how is anyone else going to appreciate it? Really quite tedious.....need boss to have a look at it soon, as there's not much more I can do on it till I talk to him - so I'm taking tomorrow off! Woo!

Good news on the housing front - we may have people to move in straight away after we leave, which would be FANTASTIC! Would make my life a hell of a lot easier and less stressful. Fingers crossed, everyone.

Must remember to run my little errands tomorrow: 1) Bank, 2) Pharmacy.

Just realised, I'm being totally uninspired in writing this. Guess it would be easier if I aimed it at someone in particular (and then everyone else could just be voyeruistic about the whole thing - if any reads this at all! Maybe I'll have to invent ANOTHER imaginary person to talk to....*sigh* life is just so great at times!

Off to Matt's in a bit for purposes of devouring bottle of wine. Should be a laugh, not seen him in a while!


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