Saturday, December 16, 2006

End of days

Well, that's me done for 2006. Have officially downed tools and stopped working, but to be fair Friday was a day of being very very slack, since the only actual work I managed to do involved wiping something clean. If only life could be that way all the time!

No matter. Friday was a good day, bike is now parked in a garage for the duration of Christmas and I'm going to miss it - hell, it was bad enough last night not having to put her to bed, and I know it's daft to anthropomorphise a piece of engineering (and I never felt this way about any of my cars), but I do miss her. Well, it's the only female I'm ever going to be riding, so I might as well be fond of her.......

Friday evening, went to pub for two drinks and then out for a very fun dinner but no further booze. New restaurant, obviously they dont have a licence as yet, and this was perhaps a blessing in disguise. Only just occuring to me now, but I have a ridiculously addictive personality, and do find it difficult to judge a sensible stopping point with alcohol. It's far better if I dont drink at all, because there's nothing worse than a bad head in the morning. Luckily I did not have one of those, but I still fear for my hydration state.

Today has been a day of mostly slacking, and though I have left the house, it was only to go to the supermarket for the purchase of sellotape. Amazingly enough, amongst the large piles of presents (tat) and cards and wrapping paper (fuel), there wasnt a roll of ordinary sellotape to be found! There was some spangly special wrapping tape, which I've used instead, and it does look very nice, but only because I've got spangly wrapping paper to go with it. I've also done some laundry (life is never-ending washing, really) and made myself a very nice curry with some pork. Next year may be turning into a year of pork-based stews, I seem to have a knack with them.

Tomorrow I'm heading south again, and cant wait to see P again even though it's been not quite a week. Miss him far too much when I'm away, hopefully we can be closer sooner rather than later. As for the rest of you, I'll keep blogging over the next few days, but dont expect major documentary work, there wont be much to tell!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bugger Blogger

Curses, I cant post comments on anyone elses blogs anymore. 'You can also sign in with your Blogger username' my arse. It's a plan to get everyone registered with Google so they can then track all your internet surfing and send you endless spam.....hence I refuse to convert to beta and change all my blog stuff.....but what a pisser!


I've run out of stuff to do today. Like I've said before, I've been winding down for Xmas since I'm not at work next week, and was going to catch up on paperwork. This has now been achieved, and though I could still do a bit more, I havent got full sets of information to do the characterisation and the other job is typing up of compounds, so I really cant be arsed with it. I've also already cleaned up my desk, my lab bench and my fume hood, to include removing everything and scrubbing the bottom, so I'm rather short of entertainment for the rest of the afternoon!

I suppose I could do a little bit more reading, but I've entered terminal year-end malaise of not-wanting-to-do-anything-else. I really should though, or at least bone up on stuff so I can shine at this interview in the coming la la......

Not even any comedy observations to make, I'm all out. It's a sad afternoon, people. Hopefully a break at tea-time will give me a bit of a push and some inspiration.........

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

When the cat's away.....

....Jon-ster goes Xmas shopping. Well, not completely.

Today has been the slackest day I've ever had at work whilst not hungover or otherwise occupied with being ill or something. Early morning start - bit of fun with the bike, getting her hot again - and into work, then nothing till breakfast at quarter to nine, on the coffee run. How lazy.

I then spent a very tedious morning sat at a computer screen reprocessing data, away from the rest of the lab and getting rather fed up to say the least. So when Mandy suggested a lunch trip, i leapt at the chance and went and had some nice Thai food. Yum, thanks M. After a quick nip through town, I was back at work after about an hour and a half away, fully intending to get some work done in the afternoon.

This was not to be, with insidious encourageent from fellow post-doc, I went out xmas shopping again, except that I didnt need to buy anything and was actually only along for the ride and the conversation. Whoops! That put paid to another 2 and half hours, so i came back to work quite late, to begin doing the stuff I should have done all day. Ah well, if the boss decides to go away, what else do you expect?! It's the fact that it's almost christmas and I had the long weekend off.......

Back home, have paid off a whack of bills and need to ask housemates for the replacement cash. Absolutely whopping gas bill, probably due to me putting up the heating protocol on the water, and it being colder and taking forever to heat up and being totally inefficient, I've never lived anywhere it's so painfully awful. At least it's going to be split!

Havent had any side-effects as yet from my large dose of bug-killing drugs, so I'm happy there. Hopefully P is also good. And now pizza dinner will happen soon......

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Well, what an exciting weekend! Let me rewind to Friday and fill in the little details as we go.......

Friday was an exciting day, winding down at work and realising that I'm probably not going to be doing any more lab work this year. Hence a good deal of winding down and the rest of it, Friday's always being a bit of a lax day at work. There was also the excitement of everyone getting ready for the work xmas party, taking place on Friday evening (to which I did not go, more later) and the burgeoning sack of goodies left by secret santa. Since I was not going, I opened mine early.....and was given a rather nice selection of different coffees, perfect present for me I guess - thanks very much secret santa - but pop goes my cutting down on the caffeine! Mandy received some very appreciated slate tiles and would not let it rest until she had found the guilty party....kinda missing the point of the 'secret' part, huh, miss Bolt?.....I shall have to find out what everyone else recieved tomorrow at work.

Now comes the 'Ta-dah' bit.....It was P's birthday on Sunday, and as a present I got him a night at the theatre to go see Phantom, something I thought he might appreciate since he often warbles about parts of the theme tunes and hasnt seen it. Only problem, I wanted it to be a surprise, it was on the Monday night and so I had to keep shtm about it for the past few months, and not blog about it all over the place on here (since he reads this!). But now I can spill the deep-laid plot.....the upshot being that I've had 2 extra days off work, in London (:-)....but I've had to keep very quiet about it over the weekend and pray that something else didnt have to happen!

Saturday was a very relaxed day, I cant even remember what we did to be honest - though I've been spotting moments to blog about all weekend, and promptly have forgotten them all - but I do know I spent a lot of time on World of Warcraft whilst P played with his self-bought birthday Wii (if you dont know, dont bother to ask). But not much to tell there.

Sunday was P's birthday itself, after having been badgered all day Saturday to give him his birthday present early, I finally relented and handed over the tickets. To much shock, I think! Still, I think he was pleased and enjoyed it - the story continues below - and we went to a nice place to eat for birthday lunch (since requested birthday breakfast was not required), and then home again. It's been a very snuggly weekend, and one thought I did have is that I think one of the things I miss most about P is just hugging him. Bless you for it, tiger, for all the humping!

Monday was late rising, nice change in fact since I hadnt had to rush home late from Bton on the train (I really hate the journey, seems to take ages longer than the trip to) and it's nice to doze every once in a while. P had to go across to get some stuff from the health clinic, and now the icky part of the story begins.....for some reason I feel the need to blog this quite embarrassing event (and I have to OK from P here!) and draw a pedagogical lesson for you all.

Well, to cut a long story short, P tested positive for chlamydia, nasty nasty STI, which blatantly means I've got it too. Noice. I shall be having the full works check-up next week since it's only sensible, but what has likely happened is that I've been asymptomatically carrying it for the past god-knows-how-long, since I've not been tested before. Yes, I'm well aware that this is a silly thing for me, but I've always been careful and like I say, have no symptoms of anything nasty (though the little-c is often asymptomatic). Thank goodness P and I are completely honest and frank and blah blah blah, because I can imagine it would put a strain on other people.

Still, the lesson of the day, people, is go get yourself regular sexual health check-ups. it may be embarrassing (hell, I'm blushing even now as I write this), but anyone can get it and you owe it to both your health and the community at large. Even nice people (i.e. me, pace all those people who are now snorting their drinks down their noses, but I'm as vanilla as you care to go) get it, and it's not just from designated 'high-risk' activities. So think of me as I'm getting a swab shoved up my urethra - I wince as I think about it - and then go and get it done for yourself. I'm hardly one to preach, never having been for a test myself, but now I know better I dont want friends of mine to have a little surprise of their own.

End of sermon.

Well, that could have put a damper on the rest of the day, but somehow it seamlessly integrated itself into the tone of the weekend. No endless showers for me a la Lady Macbeth, just a train ride to London and a rather stressful tube journey during rush hour to get to hotel, where we discover that the bed is on wheels and with the slightest movement you could send it gliding across the room to back into the opposite wall. So there was going to be absolutely no vigourous shagging at all, that night. (;-) Actually, I felt a little bit odd checking in, since I've never had to really stand up in front of a stranger and go 'yes this is me and my man and we are going to be sharing a bed, thankyou', but it felt honest, and good in its way. Yay, civil liberties.

Out to Picadilly Circus and a quick snack before theatre. Now, you may (or may not) know about the Eros statue in the centre of Picadilly circus, but it is there and surrounded by what is possibly the most minging fountain in the world. I swear it's not actually a fountain since its source dried up years ago and it's actually fuelled by the piss of drunk persons staggering about Soho in an attempt to be amusing. There's a perfectly nice fountain just across the way - the one with horses in it, which P helpfully pointed out have rather overly detailed lady genitalia on the - that manages to stay far cleaner in comparison.

Trotting down Haymarket to get to Her Maj's theatre, we pass a large party of Japanese schoolchildren, all in uniform (at 7pm) some of whom are wearing freaky surgeon's masks for whatever reason. Bizarre. It's only later that we find out that they are on a school trip to Phantom too, and we're sat in the Stalls slap bang in the middle of all of them. Noice. Except for the avid old-lady fans of the show to our other side, coming to see it for the umpteenth time.

Well, show was much better than I remember it from before, but in all honesty I didnt really see it so much the first time round as merely listen to it. I'll leave out the theatre crit part here, may fill it in during another posting later, for general delectation. Those of you who know me well can probably second-guess what I will say. I have however more interesting things (and gripes) to fill in about the japanese schoolchildren, who first wouldnt shut up, then one next to us decided to listen to his iPod at ridiculous volumes so that we could hear it over the amplified orchestra sat barely 10m in front of us, and then they all promptly fell asleep. I understand the merits of school trips, and school trips abroad, and culutral exchange blah blah blah, but bringing a whole school-load to an evening performance in which they clearly arent interested, cannot understand very well (you try deciphering coloratura in whatever language you choose) seems to me like a stonking waste of someone's money. An added extra for those who want to, perhaps, but this was the whole caboodle. Some of whom then proceeded to put back on their surgeon's masks, and fall asleep. Totally fucking weird.

After the show we went and bought ice-cream and wandered through Chinatown before heading back to hotel for the night. Ice-cream and city wandering is a habit I could get into, albeit an expensive one. Ice-cream is just nice food, though the trip through Chinatown was probably a mistake since I just felt like chowing down on a second dinner! And it wasnt raining or anything, so was quite pleasant. Tube journey home was even smooth and devoid of drunks and tramps (and gypsies, and thieves....or at least in our carriage). And then a night of quite good sleep (for me) and cooked breakfast in the morning, always bonus.

Tuesday, today, has been lovely. A nice crisp day, a bit windy, but nice. After breakfast we hit the streets and did a lot of walking, going first to the British Museum, always a bargain since it's free, though they are getting more pushy in asking for donations....that's a whole can of worms I'll deal with in some other post......and took a quick scoot around some of it. The BM is a place I could happily spend all day in, looking at stuff, there's so much stuff (or 'tat' for a better description) that has been bought/borrowed/shamelessly nicked from all over the world. P was suitably unimpressed by the Parthenon friezes - must admit I'm always totally underwhelmed by them too - and we had a wander around some of the Asian galleries and a quick scoot around the Egyptian stuff. Like I say, I'd quite happily spend hours and hours in there reading all the little plaques and looking at every single bloody item (getting my money's worth, you might say), but it was P's birthday thing, so we didn't stay forever and instead headed over to Oxford St for a little wander in the shops and a look at the Xmas-sy windows, then lunch and a trip through Leicester Sq to find out that nothing was on at the cinema convenient for the train times, so then wandered up the Strand quite a way. A lot of walking, in fact; and one of these days I'm going to have to walk the length of the Strand and Fleet St, and look at all the churches that are just stuck in the middle of the road!

We ended up at Somerset House, where they've installed the skating rink and had a bit of a watch for people falling on their arses, always good for a laugh in vein of Schadenfreude, I can recommend it. And then I went to put P on the train back to his home, and then came home myself. Travelling up is boring, only relieved by the chance to perve at some nice policemen whilst waiting for the connection at Leeds this time. Get home, bike OK *phew* and then into home and take my blast of macrolide anitbiotcs to get rid of the dreaded little-c and soon to bed, after this mammoth blogging of nearly an hour!

Hope you all made it to the end, bloggardes, and that you remember the take-home message. Teasing may now commence, since it doesnt look like it's serious, but more will be revealed after my own full MOT next week and results in the new year......

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Oooh, synchronous

Looking up info about Starbuttocks after leaving caustic commentary on someone's blog, only to find the Wikipedia article about the place has a picture of.....the shop in Leeds.

My, isnt it a freaky little world!

Day of longness

A very long day at work today. Nothing more than my own fault, and I now have an 'erk' dilemma on my hands about one particular work thing, but......

Had a funny feeling of 'ugh' after usual breakfast this morning. Also, continued trips across the road are racking up to be very expensive, and I may have to go back to my old ways of cheaper coffee and less breakfast, but the muffins across the street are a) very nice and b) very filling, but it all adds up. Specially these days with the added purchase of juice, and the fact I've knocked off bringing my own lunch to work for some time. I need to get back into the sandwich-making habit!

Rest of day has been relaxed, not that I've actually achieved much all day, but things have been happening. Hopefully tomorrow I will return to the presence of many many lovely crystals, and we can go from there.

On an amusing note, P also discovered at a late stage in the day that pants were being worn inside-out. I've already blogged about this habit in myself previously, nice to see that we are now mirroring each other! Off to see him tomorrow, so I'm in particularly perky mood, even if it does mean an early start for the train tomorrow. I shall be taking my music with me for a change too.

Weekend away, perhaps no bloggage till Monday from now!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Much better

Bike all parked up properly and nice. I feel a lot better. Very annoying with bloody huge trucks an' all......

Well, title is kind of a lie, because though I'm feeling much better re: bike situation, my hands are in a bit of a decline because of lack of moisturiser at work, and more to the point, I'm getting gut-wrenchingly worried about P. As always, this is not the place to air my troubles, but let the world know that the J-ster is in much need of cossetting and stroking, and even more so does P need cossetting and stroking, so any offers of stroking keenly received. Any of you lot who havent phoned me in a while, give me a buzz, that'll make me feel better!

Have a good evening now yourselves, y'all.....

Damn all drivers of Chelsea Tractors the very depths of Gehenna. Why do they have to shove their 10-tonne carts (for repelling the odd rhinoceros down Kirkstall Road) on the only reasonable flat space for parking my bike around here, when there's acres of space all up and down the roads? I cant park on a slope, you sure as bloody well can.

Rant over. Hopefully they'll shift before too long, because I wont settle otherwise till the bike's in bed!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Today is Monday, wear a smile

I hate doing undergraduate teaching. Well, it's not so bad really, since it tends to be marking things and hence 1-on-1 kinda of tuition for what has been done wrong....but it takes a helluva strain on my voice! At the moment with the still-healing throat, coupled with doing it in a lab environment (= too much extraction with them all leaving their hoods RIGHT UP!!!!) and talking almost constantly for three hours, it makes my throat disgustingly dry. And so I'm not that happy. (:-(

Ah well, it's part of the job. Back to research work tomorrow, when I shall have to start thinking again, this is less good! Though actually, I dont think I'm going to achieve very much before the end of the year, so I'll just have to kick myself into characterise mode and then just hope for the best!

Pie for dinner tonight, since bread rolls had finally become mouldy. I like pie, it's good winter food, just wish I had enough time and effort to make them for myself! I make a good chicken pie, if I do say so myself....but it is rather a bit of a chore.....perhaps one to put down for the remnants of a chicken dinner? Jeez, but I'm hungry.......

Fellow blogger Graemee has decided to close his down though....hope it wasnt something I said.....or maybe the government have finally caught up with him after that dodgy scandal involving the defrauded tins of cat food.......come back G, all is forgiven!

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Tried to make another posting last night and had a browser crash again.....hoping that I'm not going to have to reinstall all my stuff! That is a pain in the arse, no less. But yes.

No time to post too much just now (just in case!) but I'll doodle back in later in the day....not sure I'll do very much, I dont even have the motivation to go riding, and that shows how lazy I'm being.....

Saturday, December 02, 2006

December, of frosts

Well, not really. It aint frosty just yet, is it? Hopefully this will remain so, to avoid any icy-roads-arse-over-tit events, like last year.

Today has been very slow, very slow indeed. I've been on a little trip to York but havent really made the most of it. York is always lovely, but I've noticed in recent years that when I've been there, it's been ever more and more crowded. Obviously this is due to the overlap of the tourists and the xmas shopping spree. Net result: cramped little streets swarming with people (gives you insight into the medieval settlement, no doubt) and no place to have a quick quiet squat and a cuppa, without queueing for half an hour. And I had to stand up on the train all the way there, so busy it was. Never mind, a trip to York Hogroast was made, roasted pig hath powers to revitalise and replenish the most grumpy of annoyed shoppers, and I've managed to get a few little presents and had ideas for the rest. I shall wrap some of them this afternoon, assuming I can find sellotape - about the only activity I use it for!

Gripes for today: returning home to find the house locked up but the bathroom window wide open. How's that for sensible?! Bathroom door obviously was closed on the inside. Let the steam out into the house, then we dont lose the heat too! As it is, I bet the fuel bill will be phenomenal.....And the 'closed door' when nobody is in use is getting to me far more than it should. *dawning celestial light* hey, I should be grateful that this is the only issue that is being irksome! Let's put another attempted break on my descent into intolerable moaning.

Dinner tonight, I'm sorely tempted to buy some more pork and go goulasch-tastic with some Kartoffelkloesse, but this will involve quite some effort - and then would preclude the having of steamed-pudding and custard desert, something I've got a hankering for today. Perhaps I should instead opt for some sausages and mash, being in a potato-minded mood? It's the weather. Or what the hell, maybe I should sate my potato cravings on purest, triple-distilled vodka. Or poitin, if I'm feeling more Celtic than Slavic (as I often do, obviously). Whatever, it's the season for big heavy dishes again! Sausages are proving particularly appealing too, after noshing down on several in the course of the week......

Anyhow, I'm off for a cup of tea, the noo.......keep warm, my bloggardes, and I'll be back soon!