Saturday, December 10, 2005

Biking = FAB!

Had a most marvellous day......there are two things right now that I am enjoying would be my cups of coffee, that I'm having like mad (must, MUST rehydrate this evening though!) and the other would be the biking. Diddled out all over the place today, and I certainly notice the difference with my GS than with the old Sachs (which was great fun too). Thanks to a tip-off from Cef yesterday, scooted up through Winchester (full of brass bands and school-girl choirs - not little boy choristers to be seen!) and out to Alton to huge sale on at a bike shop up there. Since I was going slow, obviously they'd sold everything they were going to by the time I got there, but some very, VERY nice big bikes they were trying to sell. Already I'm eye-ing things up, but NO, I REALLY DONT have the money for it, much as I might like to think so! And then back throuhg Bishop's Waltham with the sun in my eyes and large amounts of dirt on my visor (literally a thick black film). All in all, a very good day, a fun day, and though I spent all of it sitting down, a very tiring day! Only thing to make it better would have been someone to talk to during it, but hey ho, not to be done. I'll have some dinner and then maybe head out again this evening, who knows? I've got the bug for verbal diarrhoea, it seems.

One little note though, thanks to the bands in Winchy - they were collecting for charity, all of them, with the Sally Army out too - one of them, a 4-piece were playing some Bach and it was the most beautiful thing I've heard in a long while. As I read the other day, 'nicht Bach, sondern Meer', and it seems to be the case! May have to tune in and listen to some of this BMW (no, not the motor-company!) run-through of his entire collected works. Hmmmmm. Nice to know that music can still move me like that though - a lot of the time I dont seem to notice it. Good songs that surround me, yes, but nothing that snatches at your soul and says 'THIS is why people strive after musical perfection'; beauty, complexity and lashings of yearning. And all from a bloody 4-piece brass band! Dear oh dear.....

Tomorrow I MUST (see that: MUST) go into the dept and re-jiggle my thesis numbering, so it is all ready for printing in the morning. Good stuffage. And I might see if Louise is about and ask her for a coffee. Bit of a shame I've only really gotten to know her over the past year - she's a damn nice person!


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