Saturday, December 03, 2005


No....I didnt get up especially early to write this (though I think I'm still registered in US time, which would make it weird!), just got back from Pompey after random evening out. Went to see Topping and Butch, and to be fair, didnt really think all that much of 'em. Is this heresy? No. Basically, I think the comedy they run to is very heavy on the puns and gags, and I couldnt bloody make out half the words they were saying as they were being blasted through a sound system far too loud for the size of the room! Which is fine for people who know the words already, but not for those of us who havent a clue! Anyhew, made a change to get out, even if it was interesting driving in the rain and high winds (and some people are effing stupid the way they drive, my god - zipping along at blatantly over 100 in the driving rain, head and side winds AT NIGHT. Ye gods, I do despair.....)

Also got mildy groped. The perils of being Jon-ster. Never mind. Roll on tomorrow! And Monday, so I can get some of my thesis - hooray for all that rubbish!


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