Sunday, March 02, 2008

Social commentary

Where do I live? In a very odd place. Stumbling out of the local supermarket today, a clearly very upmarket lady wearing a white fur-lined coat....with a gaudy golden handbag and matching gaudy golden stilettoes. I do wonder, sometimes.....

Having a bit of a digestive issue at the moment, being a bit blocked up. This is probably due to not drinking any water for about 3 days, subsisting entirely on caffeinated drinks of one kind or another. Net result: not pleasant. So I shall be making sure that I have my daily intake of water from now on, and a coffee cutback is also in order. The same cutback that is regularly instigated every month and a half or so.

Nothing much else to say, not been doing play has been chosen and is a farce, should hopefully be quite good - it's a script that reads well - and I have a smaller part but it's really the only one I was ever going to play - being the only young man in the group. Well, not true, there's Adrien but the small problem of language barrier; but to do him justice, his English is very good and I'm sure he'd cope. But in any case, he got the other small part, so no bug there!

I was not planning on going riding this afternoon, but I'm almost on the point of changing my mind......let's see, eh?