Today has been a fulfilling day.
Woke up, tepid shower - no idea why it didnt heat up properly - and then pancake breakfast with maple syrup. I'm loving the tree juice at the moment, with its reported greater amount of calcium than milk shocker. All the more reason to keep eating pancakes! Waffles will no doubt be the next development, followed by diabetes, obesity and myocardial infarktion.
After a bit of flopping about, I decided that enough was enough and that I needed to leave the house. Discovering that the local train-line is being done over at the moment, I waited in the chilly wind for 1/4 hr and then caught a very expensive (to me, who is used to travelling for free!) bus into town for a nice cup of coffee. This, despite my promise that I was not having much coffee after yesterday's caffeine headachey bits. I've also noticed that I can now only make vile coffee in my little
moka, probably since I overheated it and did something to the rubber seal last weekend. Must get a new one soon.
After that, a
wonderful hour and a half spent browsing in Borders, with one caveat; I wish to submit the inventor of piped music to be included as the next to suffer the slow death of a thousand cuts. In a
bookshop, piped music. It's the most distracting thing imaginable. Here I'm obviously outing myself as a Librist (if you'll excuse the neologism), who believes that temples of pages (also known as
bookshops) should be maintained in respectful silence, though voices do not count - talk all you like! But bloody piped music just gets on my tits.
So obviously, I've bought some books today. And drunk a lot more coffee.
I've also been exposing myself (pun intended, groan) to
Freud, and getting fits of the giggles. This is quite a surprise to me, since I thought I was relatively open-minded and knowing, clearly not. All this talk of repression and sexual roots of the psyche is most unsettling, so obviously I'm just laughing to take away the nerves. Funny that. Very thought-provoking, even if it is the most pseudoscintific thing you could possibly imagine! Makes me really really want to go for a bit of psychoanalysis, but I know that I'd immediately become addicted to it and keep having to have narcissistic episodes. Indeed, this blog is the very proof of that; how self-obsessed can I be! A healthy dose of Buddhism is needed to sort me out (wonder what Freud made of
Schopenhauer?), lucky I also bought a bit of Zen to completely fuck my mind over!
Managed to walk around in a big circle before catching the bus home; I've taken a bus a grand total of maybe five times whilst living in Leeds, to the point where I dont actually know where the bus-stop is to go home from. And so after a bit of a circuit and a lot of a wait, the bus came and I arrived home, startlingly hunngry and well-ready for some scran.
As a little interjection here, we may note that it is Palm Sunday, much to my surprise. I saw a bevvy of choristers proceeding down the Headrow to the Catherdral, took me a while to work out what was going on! Luckily the fake palm fronds reminded me - unlike P who had a little bit of a surprise to wake up to singing people going past his window without knowing why!
Back to the main tale; dinner has been a real
Abendbrot-fest, since I bought some good-stuff rye bread this week rather than plastic pap with no crust and recompressible into dough. I love rye bread. Something entirely satisfying about it, just spread with a bit of butter, though I confess to using fake sunflower jobber today. And some nice cold cuts, bits of cheese and salami, tomato and dill pickles, perfectly timed with the sun streaming over my shoulder. I shall endeavour to repeat this situation with the little time I have left. And since I shall no longer be living in an area with extensive eastern european immigration, I may no longer be able to find such things as that I love with facility.
And now I'm on my bed, typing up this blog entry. I just want to interpolate this little number by Robert Browning, "Pippa's song";
The year 's at the spring,
And day 's at the morn;
Morning 's at seven;
The hill-side 's dew-pearl'd;
The lark 's on the wing;
The snail 's on the thorn;
God 's in His heaven—
All 's right with the world!
....because it does encapsulate my current feeling of contentment and happiness. And with my bike being completely fixed tomorrow (bar the replacement tyres that are needed quite soon!) - hopefully - I feel at ease with myself, and with the world. Knowing that this will eventually change is not a problem, because I know it will come again! And Easter itself is next week, and I shall be seeing my man again after the longest time away since first we met (:-)
Till later, y'all, I remain your dilligent and idiotic correspondent,