Saturday, April 21, 2007

Or maybe not

...because what with all the books and other shite being packed, I've got nothing, nothing to do this evening. Bleh. Reading a hilarious (well, mildly amusing) book that was kicking about and practising bladder control just dont cut it as high-quality entertainment anymore. (Thanks for the many cups of tea today, people, it's been like the bloody outflow of the amazon all day....and I dont mean full of pirhanas).

Could almost do with having another bath, at least it'd pass the time! There are some more clothes to pack at a later moment, but the prospective excitement must be witheld for at least a little, otherwise I might just slit my wrists from the sheer, inexpressible boredom I am experiencing.


It's like this every time I move. I'm almost dreading the latter half of the week when, no TV or people to talk to in sight, I really will go nuts. I mean, proper nuts, not the everyday sort of nuts that forms the baseline of my life. Dear God, bloggardes, it's really quite a sad prospect! I've regressed to being an adolescent, thinking my every thought is deep and meaningful and full of pregnant revelation. Not so. I'm nowt special; and every day closer to death brings a little more silent dread of the next becomming. As read from an interview with the tasty Jake Gyllenhaal, "I feel most happy when I'm not using my intellect". So apposite. Time to sit on my cushion again and try not to try.

No, it's no good, I'm going to have to go and pee now.


I'm so getting old......stayed up just after midnight last night and I've been good for nothing today! I'd never hack it as a city boy....good job I'm just a mad scientist, I can get away with letting all my crazy hang out for all to see. Well, till they arrest me again.

Last day of work over, moving now becomes an extra-specially urgent prospect. But I'm kinda looking forward to it. Not least for the whole day of riding tomorrow (note: chain lube MUST be applied today). And then culinary/household purchases rendering me ever more money-free and lots of slobbing about naked. Well, not much, my new windows will overlook the street.

So, this could be my last blog post for a long time, till the broadband is installed in my new home. Till then, bloggardes, you'll have to lurk at your usual internet porn sites.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Blogger's playing up today....this is not good....

Anyhow, the last day at work is zipping by, and I'm going to be leaving shortly, never to darken these portals again.....and by 'eck it's been a right tedious day! Next week is (hopefully) going to be deliciously different, exciting and not too stressful.

I'll do a bit more deep and meaningful later, I'm just filling in some time at the moment.....

Thursday, April 19, 2007


It's getting on for the moving day.....expenses thereby assosciated are mounting, and I'm now becomin more than a little edgy about the whole affair. Starting new again, I blogged about recently that it's daunting and how I really dont want to have to do it again, but.....

It's not a frame of mind I'm used to. Obviously my reflection on life has become complacent and new things to challenge will do me good; but part of me just wants to crawl back into the little space in my head that I occupied when I was six or seven, and know exactly what was happening for the next twelve years. Not exactly the considered life. In some way though, I get a sense of deja vu, that I always knew that I'd be frightened of the entirely new.

Chin up, least you've sorted out a new phone line for yourself!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I cant believe it. I've managed to pack all my kitchen stuff into a SINGLE box. And there's no more of it! It really is UNTRUE!

Saturday will be a slow day, since I have not much to do apart from the last little bits of things. Final hoovering and dusting shall be left until all the boxes are gone and there's plenty of space for that. Bike will have a wash-down and a spray with lube, but I cant believe how shockingly WELL this is going so far! What have I forgotten, everyone?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Find the name of your new band I'm calling dibs on 'Liquid Puppy Session'.

Also, join the new taste sensation here.

ars longa, vita brevis est

How very true. It's also a new excuse to keep using my new-found ability to put italics in html; I'm so behind the times!

Still, even with that pithy saying, I'm wasting time here at work now, with very little left to do. I think tomorrow I will get on a lot of people's nerves by pestering them for conversations and the like. Still, could be worse......

I really have no life; ergo blogo. And I should quit with the latin schtick, it's rather pretentious.

Chinese tonight? I think so. Need hot food for a change.

Laborstille ueberall

Nur am Bach die Nachtigall,
Singt ihre zarte Weise,
Wohl klagend durch das Tal.

With apologies to Fritz Joede.

It's deadly quiet at work today! If it were just me, I could cope, but the problem is that I'm totally tied to the lab since there are littl'uns about, which means I cant leave them alone in case they inject with BuLi or swallow K(ClO3) or set their hair on fire. Not that they would, but just in case. But it does mean I cant go anywhere, and I really need to, in order to be productive today; need to access other computer terminals to locate data, need to do other analyses, need to go to the bank, hell, need to go enjoy micturition even!

(As an aside, this is intruiging; I have not experienced it. Commentary?)

So basically, toady may end up being slack because I have to do the health-and-safety-protect-the-innocent thing. Arses. I was hoping to get buckets done today, with it being so quiet. Never mind.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hmmm, nosey

Everyone heard of Facebook? Well, it's another networking site, and I've been roped into it......but my how am I now obsessed! It's working a little bit like FriendsReunited, but much more free and visual and less crappily slow....and the thing is, I've realised that there are so many bloody people that I know, that I just dont talk to, EVER. And that I'm totally curious about what they're doing. Human nature, I guess? Well, there's another whack-load of persons to be going on that list soon enough.......

And ulp, there's a shedload of people with the same name as me (or as near as makes no odds!). Do I go all Dave Gorman, or dont I? I've had far too many people say that I resemble him, though admitedly that was in the dark days of the ginger sideburns; thank goodness we dont go in for stupid facial hair anymore, eh?

Bless all our immingrant workers

Well, I'm all drugged up now. So to speak; after a little bit of fannying around this morning, I nipped to NHS walk-in centre and was seen after maybe 2 minutes by some Polish doctor - bless our immigrant workers who fill in gaps in our services - and straight away with a new prescription. Hereby it is noted that I have to register with new GP ASAP once I've moved and have a big allergenic discussion; it's clearly the house-dust, which means I may have to buy myself a blond beehive and some white scrubs, and acquire a short mousy scottish friend to be all hoity-toity and disgusted at my own filth.

Today has been very achievement worthy; this is due to there being almost no distractions at work, with half the lab population down in Mummerzet living it up. Hence much achieved, and I have only computer work left to do and then iddy-biddy shit to deal with, including personal, daytime stuff with banks and wotnot. All in all, I'm most happy.....not even getting nervous about being all alone once I've moved yet! OK, maybe a little; but it's a good kinda nervous (:-)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mea culpa

Just had a bit of a telling off from P for not being assiduous enough with packing. Well, here is the update;

All my books, CDs, and game pak boxes are packed. All my random paperwork has been sorted, rubbish binned and important docs separated out. Clothes have all been packed bar what I need for the next week and a half, and I even have a whole spare bag. My chair has also been disassembled, and my laundry basket.

What remains: Kitchen stuff, anything bike related and my stationery stuff. Also standard lamp which easily comes apart. Really, I'm on a roll with it, and have plenty of time to deal with it all! Kitchen crap to be packed on Wednesday evening, Saturday daytime to be devoted to all the remaining random items. And then we're there, people, and all I have to do is do the bank stuff and ring up new suppliers of TV and phone (:-)

Somehow, it feels wrong that I am so organised. I bet I get stressed come Weds evening!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

I hate dust

Yus, I do. As I said when I first moved to Leeds, and then blatantly didnt do at my new house I am going to make sure I dust all the bloody time so that when I do it, I dont send clouds of it into the air and make myself hideously asthmatic! It's very unpleasant and I dont like it. And there is more of it to come, of course, with the continued packing and the going through stuff at work also! Curses!

Brick wall

I've lost all motivation for packing. It's just too nice outside (:-) This evening will instead be devoted to clothes packing. And nights next week for everything else. Man, it's a drag!

Packing commences

Well, I've started my packing for moving, and it's looking good (:-) All my books have gone away into three boxes, but it doesnt actually look any different since I never really unpacked them all in the first place! This afternoon will be spent packing clothing, not that I have many bags for clothes, but I've got enough.

The traumatic thing will actually be putting it all into the van, I think I deffo AM going to be making 2 trips just so that it's easier! Kitchen stuff is going to be a nightmare, and what is worse, it's going to be a nightmare unpacking it all away again once I'm down south!

I think after clothes this afternoon, I shall NOT do any more packing this weekend, since a) I'll go mad and b) I'll end up unpacking half of it again when I need to use stuff.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Calm down!!!!!

Well, it's been a fab easter break, but now I'm only a week and a bit away from moving all my junk, so I need to get orgasnised!!!! I'm also totally stressed out about the whole affair; so I really need to make a list and get the stuff ticked off on it pronto.

Bit of sad news though: my bike has been ever-so slightly vandalised. The cover has been nicked/taken away, and someone has tried to prise off the back fairings - and actually managed to bugger it about more than a little. Luckily it still seems to run fine, even though they'd fiddled with the engine kill and the headlights, but everything looks OK. I need to araldit parts of it back together though, since the fracture is complete in part of the fairing! Plus I think that once I've ridden her into the ground, as may happen sooner rather than later (:-(, I'll keep away from a bike for a while, much as it will break my heart.

Other than that, I was nice happy and relaxed till I came home, where now the full meaning has hit me that I'm moving; like I say, I need to get ORGANISED! Packing will commence tomorrow evening for definite, and I'll probably be living off crap food for the next few weeks since I'll be running out of ingredients!

Bless y'all, and particularly P -x-

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rain of Cack

As per usual, whenever I've had a nice weekend the universe saves up all it's poo to take a big dump on me all at once. Well, I say the universe; it is my own state of mind in reaction to the situations that makes me go slightly loopy and fucked off!

GC-fannying about does not yield very much in the way of happy J-ster. I think I've reached a point where it is going to stay as it is, and I shall repeat my kinetic and dynamic kinetic resolutions, write up as is and leave a lonnnnnnng jobber explaining it all, and let some other poor bastard pick up the pieces. Report needs writing; this will be done next on the Weds PM after teaching. Other biotin crap-o-rama will be left well alone once I've tried it once.

Also been contacted by mad russian lady for a quick question; why this made me go freaky crazy about it I do not know in this moment of lucidity. Also been contacted by French dude about my paper/phd stuff, since it isnt working properly for him. Which makes me feel awful about the work I did, as if it's all wrong and it's all my fault. Well, it is to an extent, but it being in the past and actually quite shit, truth be told - people should leave it well alone now, I can honestly say it isnt worth it! - I shouldnt feel so personally tied to it. I do, since I did it for three years, but now.....fuck it. This is the attitude I should be having, for my own mental health, regardless of ethical wotnot!

Bike has been fixed and is lovely and will be even more lovely once I get new tyres. Little moment of erk when it wouldnt start just as I was leaving - but then it did. Most odd. They have however changed the position of my gear lever, so I'll have to shift it down a bit once I've got the chance; I cant change gear at the moment without moving my whole lower leg, which is a bit annoying. Nice new sprokets though, smiley stuff. Once moved house I *will* be cleaning it more often and doing all the proper stuff more often; I've let it slide far too easily.

So really, all in all, there isnt much to be moaning about, but in my usual manner when things are a little surprising, I've gone mad about it. I think it's the upcoming move, it's freaking me out since I have more to think about this time around. Peace, Jon-ster it only involves a few phone calls! The important things to do are;
  • Hire a van for moving;
  • Sign on all utilities in new place;
  • Close up all utilities in old place;
  • Box up all my stuff;
  • Get deposit back from landlady.
On a more amusing note, someone has been inside and filled in all the cracks in the wall with polyfilla rubbery stuff. I'm not convinced that this is really the solution, and it looks obvious and hideous! Does not solve the problem with the back door being entirely wedged and impossible to relock once opened. Also doesnt really solve the problem of continued slippage. But it isnt my house, so now I can regard it with nothing more than amusement!

I'm going to have a snippet more to eat, a drink, and then spend the evening reading. Sod the world for the rest of the day.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sore knees

Yet again, sore knees. No, not too many blow-jobs round the back, just too much standing up and running up-and-down stairs. And getting bloody annoyed with space demarcation; hadnt realised I was so territorial! Maybe I should just piss around my next fume hood and have done with it.

Seriously short of time at work, too - there's only two+half days this week, then only 2 days next week and then 4+half days the week after that.....eight and a half days, it aint much to get lots of things done in! I dont think that I'm going to bother with certain amounts of it though....and I'm deffo not going to brizzle any more, I'll have to catch up with Ade another time (:-(

Seeing P in four days time, cant wait....

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Am I fluffy or squidgy?

Both, I think. I'm certainly malleable, as I'm discovering more and more with each passing day, each passing moment!

I've often liked to think of myself as the tolerant, easy-going type who is happy to let things slide but with a core as hard as diamond. The truth is much nearer me being the tolerant, easy-going type with a core like a sea-sponge. I soak up so much, whilst giving out so little of myself, that if you dunked me in a sugar solution, I'd turn out sweet, whereas dunked into brine I'd be the perfect accompaniment to a plate of chips. I am, whoever I am with; definable characteristics of my own are non-existant that do not come from other people. Highly suggestible, thy name is Jon-ster.

All of this of course means that I'll be absolutely no use whatsoever in the coming dystopia as an independently thinking revolutionary. I'll be a state-puppet, and an easily controlled one at that. Good? Probably not, but at least I wont be too unhappy at my own condition, eh?

The point being, I have no dominant core. And I'm perfectly happy at that. Type B personality, at least it'll offset the imminent heart attack from cholesterol overdose.


Today has been a fulfilling day.

Woke up, tepid shower - no idea why it didnt heat up properly - and then pancake breakfast with maple syrup. I'm loving the tree juice at the moment, with its reported greater amount of calcium than milk shocker. All the more reason to keep eating pancakes! Waffles will no doubt be the next development, followed by diabetes, obesity and myocardial infarktion.

After a bit of flopping about, I decided that enough was enough and that I needed to leave the house. Discovering that the local train-line is being done over at the moment, I waited in the chilly wind for 1/4 hr and then caught a very expensive (to me, who is used to travelling for free!) bus into town for a nice cup of coffee. This, despite my promise that I was not having much coffee after yesterday's caffeine headachey bits. I've also noticed that I can now only make vile coffee in my little moka, probably since I overheated it and did something to the rubber seal last weekend. Must get a new one soon.

After that, a wonderful hour and a half spent browsing in Borders, with one caveat; I wish to submit the inventor of piped music to be included as the next to suffer the slow death of a thousand cuts. In a bookshop, piped music. It's the most distracting thing imaginable. Here I'm obviously outing myself as a Librist (if you'll excuse the neologism), who believes that temples of pages (also known as bookshops) should be maintained in respectful silence, though voices do not count - talk all you like! But bloody piped music just gets on my tits.

So obviously, I've bought some books today. And drunk a lot more coffee.

I've also been exposing myself (pun intended, groan) to Freud, and getting fits of the giggles. This is quite a surprise to me, since I thought I was relatively open-minded and knowing, clearly not. All this talk of repression and sexual roots of the psyche is most unsettling, so obviously I'm just laughing to take away the nerves. Funny that. Very thought-provoking, even if it is the most pseudoscintific thing you could possibly imagine! Makes me really really want to go for a bit of psychoanalysis, but I know that I'd immediately become addicted to it and keep having to have narcissistic episodes. Indeed, this blog is the very proof of that; how self-obsessed can I be! A healthy dose of Buddhism is needed to sort me out (wonder what Freud made of Schopenhauer?), lucky I also bought a bit of Zen to completely fuck my mind over!

Managed to walk around in a big circle before catching the bus home; I've taken a bus a grand total of maybe five times whilst living in Leeds, to the point where I dont actually know where the bus-stop is to go home from. And so after a bit of a circuit and a lot of a wait, the bus came and I arrived home, startlingly hunngry and well-ready for some scran.

As a little interjection here, we may note that it is Palm Sunday, much to my surprise. I saw a bevvy of choristers proceeding down the Headrow to the Catherdral, took me a while to work out what was going on! Luckily the fake palm fronds reminded me - unlike P who had a little bit of a surprise to wake up to singing people going past his window without knowing why!

Back to the main tale; dinner has been a real Abendbrot-fest, since I bought some good-stuff rye bread this week rather than plastic pap with no crust and recompressible into dough. I love rye bread. Something entirely satisfying about it, just spread with a bit of butter, though I confess to using fake sunflower jobber today. And some nice cold cuts, bits of cheese and salami, tomato and dill pickles, perfectly timed with the sun streaming over my shoulder. I shall endeavour to repeat this situation with the little time I have left. And since I shall no longer be living in an area with extensive eastern european immigration, I may no longer be able to find such things as that I love with facility.

And now I'm on my bed, typing up this blog entry. I just want to interpolate this little number by Robert Browning, "Pippa's song";

The year 's at the spring,
And day 's at the morn;
Morning 's at seven;
The hill-side 's dew-pearl'd;
The lark 's on the wing;
The snail 's on the thorn;
God 's in His heaven—
All 's right with the world!

....because it does encapsulate my current feeling of contentment and happiness. And with my bike being completely fixed tomorrow (bar the replacement tyres that are needed quite soon!) - hopefully - I feel at ease with myself, and with the world. Knowing that this will eventually change is not a problem, because I know it will come again! And Easter itself is next week, and I shall be seeing my man again after the longest time away since first we met (:-)

Till later, y'all, I remain your dilligent and idiotic correspondent,


Should I?

The temptation is great to run an April fool on my blog.....but I cant think of anything decent! There's nothing I could say about myself that the lot of you wouldn't swallow wholesale, or see right through in an instant. As for stuff in the wider world, I dont think I could be that creative....

Still, happy cack-merchant day to the lot of you!