Saturday, April 21, 2007


I'm so getting old......stayed up just after midnight last night and I've been good for nothing today! I'd never hack it as a city boy....good job I'm just a mad scientist, I can get away with letting all my crazy hang out for all to see. Well, till they arrest me again.

Last day of work over, moving now becomes an extra-specially urgent prospect. But I'm kinda looking forward to it. Not least for the whole day of riding tomorrow (note: chain lube MUST be applied today). And then culinary/household purchases rendering me ever more money-free and lots of slobbing about naked. Well, not much, my new windows will overlook the street.

So, this could be my last blog post for a long time, till the broadband is installed in my new home. Till then, bloggardes, you'll have to lurk at your usual internet porn sites.


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