Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mea culpa

Just had a bit of a telling off from P for not being assiduous enough with packing. Well, here is the update;

All my books, CDs, and game pak boxes are packed. All my random paperwork has been sorted, rubbish binned and important docs separated out. Clothes have all been packed bar what I need for the next week and a half, and I even have a whole spare bag. My chair has also been disassembled, and my laundry basket.

What remains: Kitchen stuff, anything bike related and my stationery stuff. Also standard lamp which easily comes apart. Really, I'm on a roll with it, and have plenty of time to deal with it all! Kitchen crap to be packed on Wednesday evening, Saturday daytime to be devoted to all the remaining random items. And then we're there, people, and all I have to do is do the bank stuff and ring up new suppliers of TV and phone (:-)

Somehow, it feels wrong that I am so organised. I bet I get stressed come Weds evening!


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