Sunday, April 01, 2007

Am I fluffy or squidgy?

Both, I think. I'm certainly malleable, as I'm discovering more and more with each passing day, each passing moment!

I've often liked to think of myself as the tolerant, easy-going type who is happy to let things slide but with a core as hard as diamond. The truth is much nearer me being the tolerant, easy-going type with a core like a sea-sponge. I soak up so much, whilst giving out so little of myself, that if you dunked me in a sugar solution, I'd turn out sweet, whereas dunked into brine I'd be the perfect accompaniment to a plate of chips. I am, whoever I am with; definable characteristics of my own are non-existant that do not come from other people. Highly suggestible, thy name is Jon-ster.

All of this of course means that I'll be absolutely no use whatsoever in the coming dystopia as an independently thinking revolutionary. I'll be a state-puppet, and an easily controlled one at that. Good? Probably not, but at least I wont be too unhappy at my own condition, eh?

The point being, I have no dominant core. And I'm perfectly happy at that. Type B personality, at least it'll offset the imminent heart attack from cholesterol overdose.


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