Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rain of Cack

As per usual, whenever I've had a nice weekend the universe saves up all it's poo to take a big dump on me all at once. Well, I say the universe; it is my own state of mind in reaction to the situations that makes me go slightly loopy and fucked off!

GC-fannying about does not yield very much in the way of happy J-ster. I think I've reached a point where it is going to stay as it is, and I shall repeat my kinetic and dynamic kinetic resolutions, write up as is and leave a lonnnnnnng jobber explaining it all, and let some other poor bastard pick up the pieces. Report needs writing; this will be done next on the Weds PM after teaching. Other biotin crap-o-rama will be left well alone once I've tried it once.

Also been contacted by mad russian lady for a quick question; why this made me go freaky crazy about it I do not know in this moment of lucidity. Also been contacted by French dude about my paper/phd stuff, since it isnt working properly for him. Which makes me feel awful about the work I did, as if it's all wrong and it's all my fault. Well, it is to an extent, but it being in the past and actually quite shit, truth be told - people should leave it well alone now, I can honestly say it isnt worth it! - I shouldnt feel so personally tied to it. I do, since I did it for three years, but now.....fuck it. This is the attitude I should be having, for my own mental health, regardless of ethical wotnot!

Bike has been fixed and is lovely and will be even more lovely once I get new tyres. Little moment of erk when it wouldnt start just as I was leaving - but then it did. Most odd. They have however changed the position of my gear lever, so I'll have to shift it down a bit once I've got the chance; I cant change gear at the moment without moving my whole lower leg, which is a bit annoying. Nice new sprokets though, smiley stuff. Once moved house I *will* be cleaning it more often and doing all the proper stuff more often; I've let it slide far too easily.

So really, all in all, there isnt much to be moaning about, but in my usual manner when things are a little surprising, I've gone mad about it. I think it's the upcoming move, it's freaking me out since I have more to think about this time around. Peace, Jon-ster it only involves a few phone calls! The important things to do are;
  • Hire a van for moving;
  • Sign on all utilities in new place;
  • Close up all utilities in old place;
  • Box up all my stuff;
  • Get deposit back from landlady.
On a more amusing note, someone has been inside and filled in all the cracks in the wall with polyfilla rubbery stuff. I'm not convinced that this is really the solution, and it looks obvious and hideous! Does not solve the problem with the back door being entirely wedged and impossible to relock once opened. Also doesnt really solve the problem of continued slippage. But it isnt my house, so now I can regard it with nothing more than amusement!

I'm going to have a snippet more to eat, a drink, and then spend the evening reading. Sod the world for the rest of the day.


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