Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Laborstille ueberall

Nur am Bach die Nachtigall,
Singt ihre zarte Weise,
Wohl klagend durch das Tal.

With apologies to Fritz Joede.

It's deadly quiet at work today! If it were just me, I could cope, but the problem is that I'm totally tied to the lab since there are littl'uns about, which means I cant leave them alone in case they inject with BuLi or swallow K(ClO3) or set their hair on fire. Not that they would, but just in case. But it does mean I cant go anywhere, and I really need to, in order to be productive today; need to access other computer terminals to locate data, need to do other analyses, need to go to the bank, hell, need to go enjoy micturition even!

(As an aside, this is intruiging; I have not experienced it. Commentary?)

So basically, toady may end up being slack because I have to do the health-and-safety-protect-the-innocent thing. Arses. I was hoping to get buckets done today, with it being so quiet. Never mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sending you an email. Is your email address still the Leeds one? YOU MUST REPLY or I'll hunt you down and steal your underwear. Look forward to it already!!! (your reply, not stealing your underwear...)

17/4/07 1:13 PM  
Blogger J said...

Yeah, yeah....you want to get in my pants just like everyone else!

17/4/07 4:35 PM  

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