Monday, April 16, 2007

Hmmm, nosey

Everyone heard of Facebook? Well, it's another networking site, and I've been roped into it......but my how am I now obsessed! It's working a little bit like FriendsReunited, but much more free and visual and less crappily slow....and the thing is, I've realised that there are so many bloody people that I know, that I just dont talk to, EVER. And that I'm totally curious about what they're doing. Human nature, I guess? Well, there's another whack-load of persons to be going on that list soon enough.......

And ulp, there's a shedload of people with the same name as me (or as near as makes no odds!). Do I go all Dave Gorman, or dont I? I've had far too many people say that I resemble him, though admitedly that was in the dark days of the ginger sideburns; thank goodness we dont go in for stupid facial hair anymore, eh?


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