Monday, May 28, 2007

Sunday lunch....on monday

The oven has been christened, literally! Take note, bloggardes, that I require more in the way of kitchenware, to whit; a roasting tin and a second baking sheet. So that I dont dribble hot fat all over the bottom of the oven. Nice cleaning job lies ahead!

Actually, it was a nice bit of beef that I had, shared with P. Perhaps devouring the whole joint between us was a tad porky, but I've not had such for such a long time, it was nice for a change. The lack of roast potatoes did bite, but on the whole, I'm very please (:-) A piggy indoor lunch, owing to the rain, no cleaning of bike, and a brand new lid owing to sheer weakness of spirit in the face of a sale. I'm lucky I got away with just that and not going mad and buying a whole new shag outfit....sorry, set of leathers *grin*

Back to work tomorrow, we'll see how everything is!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Had a little bit of an accident yesterday, and today we mourn the loss of the Hoegaarden glass. You know the ones, the big chunky rectilinear ones. The glass that I've had for years, personally half-inched from a pub in Bristol since I thought the place deserved it for being full of pretenious Sloanes. Anyhow, I managed to sweep it off the draining board to smash on the floor.

Having thought I'd picked up all the bits, and swept most assiduously to make sure, I still managed to trample a nice big shard into my foot and hence start leaking. Oooch. Not pleasant, especially since the piece was lodged in myself and P had to pluck it out with a pair of tweezers. And of course I did not have any dressing or plasters, and had to make do with a bit of loo roll stuck on with sellotape. And it works nice. Cant say how antiseptic it was though!

Today is quite warm, and quite still, hence oppressive. I'm amazed P isn't dropping from heatstroke! Have to make dinner in a minute, lovely porky stuff....mmmm......

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My eyes, my eyes!


Hideous new Shiela's Wheels advert with large numbers of women in pink with feather boas.

I'm actually surprised they havent been indicted in some kind of discrimination case. Only time, eh?

Weather crazies

Weather has been very odd the past couple of days. After the beauty of the weekend, it was crappy yesterday, but gorgeous today. I'll go mad with it. I'm off out for a ride later after some dinner - since it'll be the last non-to-work ride I'll get till next week, since I'll be spending most of it on my back (or my front), I do sincerely hope! No hints at all, certain mister (;-)

Was all ready for a complete grumpy moan at Sainsburys yesterday, after having gone shopping there. But having let it lie, I've lost the impetus for it. Suffice it to say, I shall not be going back there for they truly truly represent everything I could possibly hate about supermarkets. I'll really have to get organised and start shopping properly at the weekend in nice local-type shops. Supermarkets are truly evil, people. Avoid. Or minimise contact, since avoidance is not possible.

Work is still progressing slowly, but sometimes there is no hurrying these things. At least I'm getting quite a bit of thinking done at the same time, and when I eventually pluck up the courage to go ask for even more equipment, I'll be quite contented. Hard to think I've been here a month already, doesnt feel like it in the slightest.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tut tut tut

I've been a very naughty Jon-ster.

Nothing too bad, before you get all worked up, bloggardes, more of a crime against intention than anything illegal. All my plans for this weekend just flew right out of the window owing to the surprising spell of totally gorgeous weather we've had!

So, Saturday I'd arranged to meet up with a fellow biker (dont jump to the obvious conclusion, I'm not like that, people) for a bit of a ride, and so we did and so we went. Turned into a veritable scoot across Berkshire, through the very rural home counties with their rowing and rivers and cream teas. Very nice. Good roads, too, though some bad ones, and not much in the way of up-and-down, rather nice windyness. All perfect for making you *grin*, maybe even *gurn*. And then out as far as Wantage, of all places. Resisting the temptation to drop in on my random oxford people, (which I should do in future), we headed for Newbury and had a very nice surprise of a rideable road, with stretches than even had me thinking of my favourite dalelands. I do miss those roads! So bombing along to Newbury, and then a bit of a circuitous route home.

The plan obviously was to spend Sunday (i.e. today) getting all my domestic tasks done. But waking up relatively early and seeing glorious sunshine again, I couldnt resist it and hopped on the bike again. Joy, sheer joy of riding around Sussex, I can kinds see why that county has the reputation of breeding bikers galore and there certainly were plenty of them out today. Coming home again about 12, I then left again at 2 for another spin, and have been seriously considering going for a 3rd spin, except for the fact that I know my wrists will just scream at me, and I really dont want white hand for the week. Plus I want to go out some nights this week too!

Hence naughtiness: no cleaning, no shopping, no saving money (but to be fair, I've only spent £15 on petrol this weekend), and generally feeling a bit bad for it. Shouldnt, because you never look a gift horse opportunity to go scratching, but there you have it.

Message received from sister, so meeting the family in a couple of weeks for general new house-viewage and free dinner. Dunno where to take them. Anyone know anywhere good? Perhaps a little look online? Or maybe not, since that would involve both effort and a decision from me. Both of which I'm useless at. Dont even know where to suggest to go for a walk!

Back to work tomorrow, and we finally appear to be up and running on the work front, though no doubt I'll still be slow for a while. One more week, and then I want to be doing 20 reactions a day! Yeah, right.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

gods, but I'm useless

At least I feel that way. Frustrated with work, not being able to get on with anything. Feeling like I'm treading on everyone's toes all the time. Hence no bloggage. Will remedy it this w/e.

Having a good week yourselves, bloggardes?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dirty thoughts

Why, in this day and age, in normal TV drama, do they always have the sex scene as a missionary affair? If they are going to include it in the first place (and there's usually no need, hmmm?) then why not go to town and have something at least a little interesting?

Yes, an interesting question.

A good weekend has been had, hopefully I get to do some chemistry this week!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Not updated this for a bit. Clearly I've run out of things to say! In theory I could start blogging about all these new people at work, but I think I might shoot myself in the foot if I do that - my first impressions of people often turn out to be hideously wrong (I'm a crap judge of character) - so I suppose I could itemise people I have known, but I'm not in the mood for a nostalgia trip.

No, I'm getting all bothered because I haven't yet outed myself at work. Before you all cry 'there's no need to bother, matey', I'm quite aware that I flash up even on the straightest bloke's highly unattuned gaydar (except Zed - even when I'd already told him I was gay!). No, it's just a niggle because I seem to be avoiding conversations and there really isnt any point. Obviously difficult issues still to resolve, but for some reason I feel like I cant just go blah blah blah and let it all hang out. *sigh, with the usual breast beating*

I'm not going to set myself a deadline on this, but I'm not going to lie next week when people ask me what I did this weekend, going to see P. Perhaps that's the easiest way......

Anyhow, I dont want to be too maudlin, since I'll only get depressive (or more so!) I'm going to finish up here and get back to WoW. I've already cleaned up the kitchen, so I'm exonerated on that front. Bike needs a clean, I need to buy a socket set and rice (unrelated purchases, panic not), but it can all to see my man tomorrow and it always makes me smile. Love you tiger, just like the first day (:-)

I sicken myself sometimes. Arf.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Need to find Half Pendant of Aquatic Agility. Then travel back to the Moonglade and speak to some top brass. Very complicated.

In other news, I may be dealing with some phosphorous. Delight.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One of them eternal riddles

What is it about the BMW? It's not a bad car, from what I understand. I have great respect for stoic, germanic engineering with attention to detail and all the rest of it, but......what is it about the car that makes anyone behind the steering wheel behave like an absolute twat?

No, mister Beemer, you are not going to beat me away from the lights, try as you may. Or, maybe you will beat me away from the lights, by speeding in a heavily signed and camera-ed 40 zone. Also, sitting in the right-hand lane of the motorway is not a default position, and being there does not give you the wherewithal to drive however you like.

Gripe over.

It appears that Surrey, for all that it is green and countrified, is also the county of neverending speed restrictions. All the little diddy roads seem to be 40-limits, probably because of all the cunningly designed blind entrances to the enormous estatelands round about. Or the army vehicles, but I've not seen any of those yet. I'm going to have to find where the good riding roads are pronto, otherwise I'll be very frustrated very quickly.

Otherwise, a dull day at work! No pressure, I'm not used it.....

Monday, May 07, 2007


Stop the world, I want to get off. Capitalism has finally gone completely mad. Watching the ad break - to which you must always pay due attention, bloggardes, otherwise your head will be subliminally and uncritically filled with tosh - I am informed about the new beefburger for sale at a certain chain that does not begin with M.....'inspired by Spiderman 3'.

How the hell is a beefburger inspired by a superhero film. I mean, get a grip.....

Happy goodness

In a good mood today, since I'm on top of all the domestic stuff. Also, bike is now in top nicker (bar me not cleaning the crap off it), so I'm very pleased, just a shame it's not so nice today so I wont be going out on it. Or will I *thoughtful pose*

Went down to see Martin yesterday, slight drop of guilt here since I didnt go and see anyone else at the same time, but we can only do things in small steps! Nice to catch up, even if he did trick me into doing a load of digging....guess it was good for me in the end......

All ready for next week!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Oooh, it's all new

'Allo again all! Time for another update.

I'm starting to enjoy myself, ever so slowly. I've now worked out the location, courtesy of, of some important things in life, to whit; big supermarkets, butchers, greengrocers and oriental store. Most of the are located in Camberley, just up the road. I've also found the location of some bike shops, a visit will be in order soon to stock up on expensive new stuff just yet.

Work is still in the intro phase, it's corporate bureaucracy with bells on, but I suppose the legislation is there for both their and my protection, so I've just got to grit my teeth and get on with it. Friday was a bit slow owing to lots of people having long bank holiday weekends, and I dont blame them. Nice bunch of people, but it is just so deathly silent the entire time, even with loads of people there! I'm going to have to start talking loudly and about plenty of things, it's the only way.....silence is nice, but not too much! In all fairness, it would be a perfect place to meditate, if I wouldnt get funny looks!

Have also now met the first of the neighbours, a friendly enough guy older than me. Bumped into him carrying my laundry outside, thank goodness it was shirts not smalls, and we said hello. So at least it isnt deathly on that front. I've also looked up 2 theatre groups that I'm going to go and try and join, both quite local but hopefully not too clique-y.

Bike tyres have been replaced. Be warned, people, when you get new tyres, they dont grip perfectly till you've worn them in quite a bit! Mine are delicious (but then again they are spanking fresh, mmmm, smell they rubber) but despite my awareness of the new-tyre thing, I did get a feel-it-in-yer-bowels sideways slide when I first pulled away! Chain now needs adjusting somewhat, for which I shall be trying to purchase a spanky spanner since my nuts are a bit worn. No sniggering at the back, please. And a good wash, as I keep saying, but I want to do the wash-adjust-lube thing all in one if I can. Dunno what happened the other day, but my chain seemed to get quite a bit looser than it was.....

Anyhoo, today has been an acomplishing day in a good way, with domestic tasks being done. For some reason, doing it in my own place is that much more fun (prob because I dont feel like I'm cleaning up other people's crap), though no doubt the novelty will wear off pretty pronto.

I also hearby announce my impending evolution into a Warcraft ho. So if I start talking more daft than usual, I blame that. Not that most of you will notice, huh?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Hello bloggardes! There is FAR too much to tell about the last few days; news is to be presented in bullet-points, thus omitting all interesting details.....

  • Moved house. I turned out to be organised this time, with the help of a lot less crap to move about and a very generous boyfriend (:-x I now live in the country, which isnt really the country because the traffic is hideous at rush hour, but at least I get woken up by dawn chorus (at bloody 5 am) rather than dawn delivery to Morrisons
  • Moved bike. SO much more relaxing to not have my bike parked where it was. I'm much happier
  • Started new job. Nice people, nice building. I'm absolutely paranoid about secrecy now, so I'm not sure what I can actually type up on here, so I'm putting an ex-nay on it for now. The one detail to be revealed is that the subsidised coffee stand will sell me espresso for 28p per shot. I'm in caffeine heaven/sanity hell.
  • Loving the countryside around here
  • Back online. Much to check up!
  • Aged a year, many thanks to all for the good wishes, very unexpected and appreciated
  • Panicking a little about the money situation, but otherwise good!
I'll keep myself up-to-date from now on! Tell me your news-es....