'Allo again all! Time for another update.
I'm starting to enjoy myself, ever so slowly. I've now worked out the location, courtesy of
yell.co.uk, of some important things in life, to whit; big supermarkets, butchers, greengrocers and oriental store. Most of the are located in Camberley, just up the road. I've also found the location of some bike shops, a visit will be in order soon to stock up on degreaser.....no expensive new stuff just yet.
Work is still in the intro phase, it's corporate bureaucracy with bells on, but I suppose the legislation is there for both their and my protection, so I've just got to grit my teeth and get on with it. Friday was a bit slow owing to lots of people having long bank holiday weekends, and I dont blame them. Nice bunch of people, but it is just so deathly
silent the entire time, even with loads of people there! I'm going to have to start talking loudly and about plenty of things, it's the only way.....silence is nice, but not too much! In all fairness, it would be a perfect place to meditate, if I wouldnt get funny looks!
Have also now met the first of the neighbours, a friendly enough guy older than me. Bumped into him carrying my laundry outside, thank goodness it was shirts not smalls, and we said hello. So at least it isnt deathly on that front. I've also looked up 2 theatre groups that I'm going to go and try and join, both quite local but hopefully not too clique-y.
Bike tyres have been replaced. Be warned, people, when you get new tyres, they dont grip perfectly till you've worn them in quite a bit! Mine are delicious (but then again they are spanking fresh, mmmm, smell they rubber) but despite my awareness of the new-tyre thing, I did get a feel-it-in-yer-bowels sideways slide when I first pulled away! Chain now needs adjusting somewhat, for which I shall be trying to purchase a spanky
spanner since my nuts are a bit worn. No sniggering at the back, please. And a good wash, as I keep saying, but I want to do the wash-adjust-lube thing all in one if I can. Dunno what happened the other day, but my chain seemed to get quite a bit looser than it was.....
Anyhoo, today has been an acomplishing day in a good way, with domestic tasks being done. For some reason, doing it in my own place is that much more fun (prob because I dont feel like I'm cleaning up other people's crap), though no doubt the novelty will wear off pretty pronto.
I also hearby announce my impending evolution into a
Warcraft ho. So if I start talking more daft than usual, I blame that. Not that most of you will notice, huh?