Thursday, May 24, 2007


Had a little bit of an accident yesterday, and today we mourn the loss of the Hoegaarden glass. You know the ones, the big chunky rectilinear ones. The glass that I've had for years, personally half-inched from a pub in Bristol since I thought the place deserved it for being full of pretenious Sloanes. Anyhow, I managed to sweep it off the draining board to smash on the floor.

Having thought I'd picked up all the bits, and swept most assiduously to make sure, I still managed to trample a nice big shard into my foot and hence start leaking. Oooch. Not pleasant, especially since the piece was lodged in myself and P had to pluck it out with a pair of tweezers. And of course I did not have any dressing or plasters, and had to make do with a bit of loo roll stuck on with sellotape. And it works nice. Cant say how antiseptic it was though!

Today is quite warm, and quite still, hence oppressive. I'm amazed P isn't dropping from heatstroke! Have to make dinner in a minute, lovely porky stuff....mmmm......


Blogger Graeme said...

Owch owch owch owch :(

25/5/07 4:13 PM  

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