Tuesday, May 08, 2007

One of them eternal riddles

What is it about the BMW? It's not a bad car, from what I understand. I have great respect for stoic, germanic engineering with attention to detail and all the rest of it, but......what is it about the car that makes anyone behind the steering wheel behave like an absolute twat?

No, mister Beemer, you are not going to beat me away from the lights, try as you may. Or, maybe you will beat me away from the lights, by speeding in a heavily signed and camera-ed 40 zone. Also, sitting in the right-hand lane of the motorway is not a default position, and being there does not give you the wherewithal to drive however you like.

Gripe over.

It appears that Surrey, for all that it is green and countrified, is also the county of neverending speed restrictions. All the little diddy roads seem to be 40-limits, probably because of all the cunningly designed blind entrances to the enormous estatelands round about. Or the army vehicles, but I've not seen any of those yet. I'm going to have to find where the good riding roads are pronto, otherwise I'll be very frustrated very quickly.

Otherwise, a dull day at work! No pressure, I'm not used it.....


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