Friday, May 11, 2007


Not updated this for a bit. Clearly I've run out of things to say! In theory I could start blogging about all these new people at work, but I think I might shoot myself in the foot if I do that - my first impressions of people often turn out to be hideously wrong (I'm a crap judge of character) - so I suppose I could itemise people I have known, but I'm not in the mood for a nostalgia trip.

No, I'm getting all bothered because I haven't yet outed myself at work. Before you all cry 'there's no need to bother, matey', I'm quite aware that I flash up even on the straightest bloke's highly unattuned gaydar (except Zed - even when I'd already told him I was gay!). No, it's just a niggle because I seem to be avoiding conversations and there really isnt any point. Obviously difficult issues still to resolve, but for some reason I feel like I cant just go blah blah blah and let it all hang out. *sigh, with the usual breast beating*

I'm not going to set myself a deadline on this, but I'm not going to lie next week when people ask me what I did this weekend, going to see P. Perhaps that's the easiest way......

Anyhow, I dont want to be too maudlin, since I'll only get depressive (or more so!) I'm going to finish up here and get back to WoW. I've already cleaned up the kitchen, so I'm exonerated on that front. Bike needs a clean, I need to buy a socket set and rice (unrelated purchases, panic not), but it can all to see my man tomorrow and it always makes me smile. Love you tiger, just like the first day (:-)

I sicken myself sometimes. Arf.


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