Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tut tut tut

I've been a very naughty Jon-ster.

Nothing too bad, before you get all worked up, bloggardes, more of a crime against intention than anything illegal. All my plans for this weekend just flew right out of the window owing to the surprising spell of totally gorgeous weather we've had!

So, Saturday I'd arranged to meet up with a fellow biker (dont jump to the obvious conclusion, I'm not like that, people) for a bit of a ride, and so we did and so we went. Turned into a veritable scoot across Berkshire, through the very rural home counties with their rowing and rivers and cream teas. Very nice. Good roads, too, though some bad ones, and not much in the way of up-and-down, rather nice windyness. All perfect for making you *grin*, maybe even *gurn*. And then out as far as Wantage, of all places. Resisting the temptation to drop in on my random oxford people, (which I should do in future), we headed for Newbury and had a very nice surprise of a rideable road, with stretches than even had me thinking of my favourite dalelands. I do miss those roads! So bombing along to Newbury, and then a bit of a circuitous route home.

The plan obviously was to spend Sunday (i.e. today) getting all my domestic tasks done. But waking up relatively early and seeing glorious sunshine again, I couldnt resist it and hopped on the bike again. Joy, sheer joy of riding around Sussex, I can kinds see why that county has the reputation of breeding bikers galore and there certainly were plenty of them out today. Coming home again about 12, I then left again at 2 for another spin, and have been seriously considering going for a 3rd spin, except for the fact that I know my wrists will just scream at me, and I really dont want white hand for the week. Plus I want to go out some nights this week too!

Hence naughtiness: no cleaning, no shopping, no saving money (but to be fair, I've only spent £15 on petrol this weekend), and generally feeling a bit bad for it. Shouldnt, because you never look a gift horse opportunity to go scratching, but there you have it.

Message received from sister, so meeting the family in a couple of weeks for general new house-viewage and free dinner. Dunno where to take them. Anyone know anywhere good? Perhaps a little look online? Or maybe not, since that would involve both effort and a decision from me. Both of which I'm useless at. Dont even know where to suggest to go for a walk!

Back to work tomorrow, and we finally appear to be up and running on the work front, though no doubt I'll still be slow for a while. One more week, and then I want to be doing 20 reactions a day! Yeah, right.


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