Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Hello bloggardes! There is FAR too much to tell about the last few days; news is to be presented in bullet-points, thus omitting all interesting details.....

  • Moved house. I turned out to be organised this time, with the help of a lot less crap to move about and a very generous boyfriend (:-x I now live in the country, which isnt really the country because the traffic is hideous at rush hour, but at least I get woken up by dawn chorus (at bloody 5 am) rather than dawn delivery to Morrisons
  • Moved bike. SO much more relaxing to not have my bike parked where it was. I'm much happier
  • Started new job. Nice people, nice building. I'm absolutely paranoid about secrecy now, so I'm not sure what I can actually type up on here, so I'm putting an ex-nay on it for now. The one detail to be revealed is that the subsidised coffee stand will sell me espresso for 28p per shot. I'm in caffeine heaven/sanity hell.
  • Loving the countryside around here
  • Back online. Much to check up!
  • Aged a year, many thanks to all for the good wishes, very unexpected and appreciated
  • Panicking a little about the money situation, but otherwise good!
I'll keep myself up-to-date from now on! Tell me your news-es....


Blogger Graeme said...

Welcome back to the land of the blog. I love the fact that before you posted on ur own blog u shat all over my new template lol. Can always rely on you mate HAHAH.

And happy birthday as it seems I missed...but in my defence I don't actually know when your birthday is!

Hope you had a good time. :-)

3/5/07 4:21 PM  

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