Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Weather crazies

Weather has been very odd the past couple of days. After the beauty of the weekend, it was crappy yesterday, but gorgeous today. I'll go mad with it. I'm off out for a ride later after some dinner - since it'll be the last non-to-work ride I'll get till next week, since I'll be spending most of it on my back (or my front), I do sincerely hope! No hints at all, certain mister (;-)

Was all ready for a complete grumpy moan at Sainsburys yesterday, after having gone shopping there. But having let it lie, I've lost the impetus for it. Suffice it to say, I shall not be going back there for they truly truly represent everything I could possibly hate about supermarkets. I'll really have to get organised and start shopping properly at the weekend in nice local-type shops. Supermarkets are truly evil, people. Avoid. Or minimise contact, since avoidance is not possible.

Work is still progressing slowly, but sometimes there is no hurrying these things. At least I'm getting quite a bit of thinking done at the same time, and when I eventually pluck up the courage to go ask for even more equipment, I'll be quite contented. Hard to think I've been here a month already, doesnt feel like it in the slightest.


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