Thursday, December 14, 2006

Bugger Blogger

Curses, I cant post comments on anyone elses blogs anymore. 'You can also sign in with your Blogger username' my arse. It's a plan to get everyone registered with Google so they can then track all your internet surfing and send you endless spam.....hence I refuse to convert to beta and change all my blog stuff.....but what a pisser!


Blogger Graeme said...

I'm finding blogger beta thingy's not too bad....

15/12/06 10:56 PM  
Blogger J said...

It's more about the enforcing of it, the (un)subtle way to get details, and methods of pressure used to make monopoly; I use google search engine enough, I dont need to give 'em my arse on a plate too!

16/12/06 10:12 AM  

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