Saturday, December 02, 2006

December, of frosts

Well, not really. It aint frosty just yet, is it? Hopefully this will remain so, to avoid any icy-roads-arse-over-tit events, like last year.

Today has been very slow, very slow indeed. I've been on a little trip to York but havent really made the most of it. York is always lovely, but I've noticed in recent years that when I've been there, it's been ever more and more crowded. Obviously this is due to the overlap of the tourists and the xmas shopping spree. Net result: cramped little streets swarming with people (gives you insight into the medieval settlement, no doubt) and no place to have a quick quiet squat and a cuppa, without queueing for half an hour. And I had to stand up on the train all the way there, so busy it was. Never mind, a trip to York Hogroast was made, roasted pig hath powers to revitalise and replenish the most grumpy of annoyed shoppers, and I've managed to get a few little presents and had ideas for the rest. I shall wrap some of them this afternoon, assuming I can find sellotape - about the only activity I use it for!

Gripes for today: returning home to find the house locked up but the bathroom window wide open. How's that for sensible?! Bathroom door obviously was closed on the inside. Let the steam out into the house, then we dont lose the heat too! As it is, I bet the fuel bill will be phenomenal.....And the 'closed door' when nobody is in use is getting to me far more than it should. *dawning celestial light* hey, I should be grateful that this is the only issue that is being irksome! Let's put another attempted break on my descent into intolerable moaning.

Dinner tonight, I'm sorely tempted to buy some more pork and go goulasch-tastic with some Kartoffelkloesse, but this will involve quite some effort - and then would preclude the having of steamed-pudding and custard desert, something I've got a hankering for today. Perhaps I should instead opt for some sausages and mash, being in a potato-minded mood? It's the weather. Or what the hell, maybe I should sate my potato cravings on purest, triple-distilled vodka. Or poitin, if I'm feeling more Celtic than Slavic (as I often do, obviously). Whatever, it's the season for big heavy dishes again! Sausages are proving particularly appealing too, after noshing down on several in the course of the week......

Anyhow, I'm off for a cup of tea, the noo.......keep warm, my bloggardes, and I'll be back soon!


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