Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Much better

Bike all parked up properly and nice. I feel a lot better. Very annoying with bloody huge trucks an' all......

Well, title is kind of a lie, because though I'm feeling much better re: bike situation, my hands are in a bit of a decline because of lack of moisturiser at work, and more to the point, I'm getting gut-wrenchingly worried about P. As always, this is not the place to air my troubles, but let the world know that the J-ster is in much need of cossetting and stroking, and even more so does P need cossetting and stroking, so any offers of stroking keenly received. Any of you lot who havent phoned me in a while, give me a buzz, that'll make me feel better!

Have a good evening now yourselves, y'all.....


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