Wednesday, December 13, 2006

When the cat's away.....

....Jon-ster goes Xmas shopping. Well, not completely.

Today has been the slackest day I've ever had at work whilst not hungover or otherwise occupied with being ill or something. Early morning start - bit of fun with the bike, getting her hot again - and into work, then nothing till breakfast at quarter to nine, on the coffee run. How lazy.

I then spent a very tedious morning sat at a computer screen reprocessing data, away from the rest of the lab and getting rather fed up to say the least. So when Mandy suggested a lunch trip, i leapt at the chance and went and had some nice Thai food. Yum, thanks M. After a quick nip through town, I was back at work after about an hour and a half away, fully intending to get some work done in the afternoon.

This was not to be, with insidious encourageent from fellow post-doc, I went out xmas shopping again, except that I didnt need to buy anything and was actually only along for the ride and the conversation. Whoops! That put paid to another 2 and half hours, so i came back to work quite late, to begin doing the stuff I should have done all day. Ah well, if the boss decides to go away, what else do you expect?! It's the fact that it's almost christmas and I had the long weekend off.......

Back home, have paid off a whack of bills and need to ask housemates for the replacement cash. Absolutely whopping gas bill, probably due to me putting up the heating protocol on the water, and it being colder and taking forever to heat up and being totally inefficient, I've never lived anywhere it's so painfully awful. At least it's going to be split!

Havent had any side-effects as yet from my large dose of bug-killing drugs, so I'm happy there. Hopefully P is also good. And now pizza dinner will happen soon......


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