Monday, December 04, 2006

Today is Monday, wear a smile

I hate doing undergraduate teaching. Well, it's not so bad really, since it tends to be marking things and hence 1-on-1 kinda of tuition for what has been done wrong....but it takes a helluva strain on my voice! At the moment with the still-healing throat, coupled with doing it in a lab environment (= too much extraction with them all leaving their hoods RIGHT UP!!!!) and talking almost constantly for three hours, it makes my throat disgustingly dry. And so I'm not that happy. (:-(

Ah well, it's part of the job. Back to research work tomorrow, when I shall have to start thinking again, this is less good! Though actually, I dont think I'm going to achieve very much before the end of the year, so I'll just have to kick myself into characterise mode and then just hope for the best!

Pie for dinner tonight, since bread rolls had finally become mouldy. I like pie, it's good winter food, just wish I had enough time and effort to make them for myself! I make a good chicken pie, if I do say so myself....but it is rather a bit of a chore.....perhaps one to put down for the remnants of a chicken dinner? Jeez, but I'm hungry.......

Fellow blogger Graemee has decided to close his down though....hope it wasnt something I said.....or maybe the government have finally caught up with him after that dodgy scandal involving the defrauded tins of cat food.......come back G, all is forgiven!


Blogger Graeme said...

Lol, it's now here :

getting away from my stalker :(

4/12/06 10:12 PM  
Blogger J said...

Oh righty.....hope I havent blown your cover!


5/12/06 8:47 AM  
Blogger Graeme said...

nah, not unless the sad gimp "favourited" all my friends blogs too...?!

5/12/06 4:12 PM  

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