Thursday, December 14, 2006


I've run out of stuff to do today. Like I've said before, I've been winding down for Xmas since I'm not at work next week, and was going to catch up on paperwork. This has now been achieved, and though I could still do a bit more, I havent got full sets of information to do the characterisation and the other job is typing up of compounds, so I really cant be arsed with it. I've also already cleaned up my desk, my lab bench and my fume hood, to include removing everything and scrubbing the bottom, so I'm rather short of entertainment for the rest of the afternoon!

I suppose I could do a little bit more reading, but I've entered terminal year-end malaise of not-wanting-to-do-anything-else. I really should though, or at least bone up on stuff so I can shine at this interview in the coming la la......

Not even any comedy observations to make, I'm all out. It's a sad afternoon, people. Hopefully a break at tea-time will give me a bit of a push and some inspiration.........


Blogger Graeme said...

Scrubbing the bottom? Sounds like you should have done that before lol. (Oh come on, you didn't really think you'd get away without any more ribbing?) lol


15/12/06 12:56 AM  
Blogger J said...

*flips two fingers*

15/12/06 8:30 AM  

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