Saturday, December 16, 2006

End of days

Well, that's me done for 2006. Have officially downed tools and stopped working, but to be fair Friday was a day of being very very slack, since the only actual work I managed to do involved wiping something clean. If only life could be that way all the time!

No matter. Friday was a good day, bike is now parked in a garage for the duration of Christmas and I'm going to miss it - hell, it was bad enough last night not having to put her to bed, and I know it's daft to anthropomorphise a piece of engineering (and I never felt this way about any of my cars), but I do miss her. Well, it's the only female I'm ever going to be riding, so I might as well be fond of her.......

Friday evening, went to pub for two drinks and then out for a very fun dinner but no further booze. New restaurant, obviously they dont have a licence as yet, and this was perhaps a blessing in disguise. Only just occuring to me now, but I have a ridiculously addictive personality, and do find it difficult to judge a sensible stopping point with alcohol. It's far better if I dont drink at all, because there's nothing worse than a bad head in the morning. Luckily I did not have one of those, but I still fear for my hydration state.

Today has been a day of mostly slacking, and though I have left the house, it was only to go to the supermarket for the purchase of sellotape. Amazingly enough, amongst the large piles of presents (tat) and cards and wrapping paper (fuel), there wasnt a roll of ordinary sellotape to be found! There was some spangly special wrapping tape, which I've used instead, and it does look very nice, but only because I've got spangly wrapping paper to go with it. I've also done some laundry (life is never-ending washing, really) and made myself a very nice curry with some pork. Next year may be turning into a year of pork-based stews, I seem to have a knack with them.

Tomorrow I'm heading south again, and cant wait to see P again even though it's been not quite a week. Miss him far too much when I'm away, hopefully we can be closer sooner rather than later. As for the rest of you, I'll keep blogging over the next few days, but dont expect major documentary work, there wont be much to tell!


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