Bet you've all had those bank statements moments? I've had a big one today. Don't really look at them except to check that there's no enormous payments I don't remember making, but I've noticed that I'm spending
right on the limit of my means, and sometimes beyond it. Of course, this is not good, since when you spend more than you earn, thereby leads the way to
Newgate. And we don't want that, do we?
So, basically, we have to make some cuts. First thing will be my profligate mobile phone bill, which seems to have been increasing of late as I've been calling people, and obviously the insurance people, in the middle the day, which is when I have to pay. So all calls except for essential stuff will be made at the end of the day - and I do count ringing at least one friend at lunchtime essential at the moment :-)
Next up will be my coffee habit at work. Even though it's incredibly cheap, that only tempts me to buy even more! So no more. No more coffee, no more coke in the afternoon (water will be better for me in any case, with my skin), I shall drink the slightly insipid free machine teaand coffee, and lump it. Likely to save me a somewhere between a fiver and a tenner a week, but it's something, especially if switching will bring some benefits. And no more snacks.
No more eating out either. Harsh when I visit P, 'cos it's nice to do (and you all know my foodie leanings), and no more takeaways. Since being introduced to internet ordering, I've been, well, not free and easy with it, but the temptation is omnipresent. So no more. And I'm afraid, no more at P's either. Not to mention that a slight reduction in diet will be good for me! Time to start living on veggie dishes, little pieces of bacon, liver if I can get it, and plenty of rice. Inspiring diet? Hardly, but it'll do me good to get cooking random stuff again, and not my regular things. And if I'm truly clever, then taking things to work is an option, so no need to buy loads of bread and sandwich fillings! More to the point, hopefully no more need to supplement food I make at home with more at work. I shall be limiting my food spending as much as I can, hopefully I can get by relatively healthily on twenty quid a week, though store-cupboard is not looking well-stocked right now. And I'm sure I'll get sick of tuna quickly. And of course we take to the non-branded stuff.
Not sure what to do about my bike situation; the insurance premium will be a huge expense for me, but I've already got all the kit I need and petrol at the current rate will probably cost me about £15 a week (with no runs to Brighton or otherwise out), less if I trek to the cheaper stations in Camberley. Maintenance lube will of course put up my prices, but the train costs me about £15 a week as it is. I'm not sure on this one. The walk to work will do me good, but will get very unpleasant once the autumn arrives with wet and nasty all over the place - not to mention the dark. Unfortunately few people live over in my direction, and always cadging lifts will become a problem.....though I think I will approach Anja, who lives around the corner, for morning lifts once winter comes....annoying that single train tickets are almost as expensive as returns, since it means I only make a real saving if I walk
both ways.
Entertainment wise.....NO MORE BOOKS! This will be harsh, no question. But I have a nasty habit of blowing fifty quid on things every once in a while, when I have a perfectly good library (and plenty of internet), all for free. Perhaps time for me to go to Bagshot library and see what's on offer....might be worthwhile :-)
Sounds pretty bleak, eh? I've been lulled into false security with my Gran's legacy, but I will have to be careful not to just piss it slowly, slowly away, as that would be a real waste. I reckon I'm more sensible to make some cuts now, rather than wait until I really am in the lurch or am jobsearching without any income for any length of time. Life may be a little bit sad, but I'm going to keep blogging - fun! - and doing things I already get as part of an essential, or that I already have. Warcraft I will continue to pay for, not too expensive across a month, really, and I do get a lot of use.
Only trouble is living here and accessing other people and things to do. Don't fancy the prospect of walking to Windlesham for theatre all the time, but since Im not in the current play it's less of an issue, but it does preclude even a social visit. Pah, I'm sure I'll cope. But the potential isolation is a really good arguement for reinvesting in a bike, though it'll have to be the cheapest that is commensurate with good running sense - cant have one that falls to bits......
Conclusion: it is good that I have noticed my issues, and can immediately cut back, but it may be a bit unpleasant. Never mind, I can cope. I lived for that summer in southampton before starting the phd on little more than rice, bacon and carrots, and whilst things aren't quite
so dire just yet, I can cope well.
(And P, this is me budgeting a train trip to you every weekend as part of the 'fixed costs' - that's too important to me to try and give up! Though I will have to start getting late Sunday trains home again; but a good reason to get the bike again would be to be able to park at a more convenient station for the weekend, and come home late as possible....hmmm, lots to think about)
Tips and advice greatly received!