Blogger fucked up whilst attempting to post the last entry, but that's likely not their fault, rather the interwebby. Anyhew, looking at the last post there is clearly a rather abrupt end; unfortunately I can't remember what followed, and the law of the Jon-blog states 'no editing', so it'll have to remain.....
The Pan-cake worked out all right, though with the trimming suggestion I'd recommend waiting until it's entirely cool. This is because I trimmed it quickly, and after standing, the top pancake layer started curling up at the edges and getting hard, this will be avoided by trimming off such curls later. Otherwise, it tasted quite nice, though the layers had a tendency to come apart instantly in the mouth, and the pancakes I'd made had acquired a chewy consistency rather than a pleasant one. Still, worth a try! P has been telling me it sounds vile all the way through, but I maintain that he has no taste. And you can shut up about lemon-y meatballs, they weren't that bad.
Observations from a Saturday; petrol stations are bastards. Well, I'm sure most of you
bloggardes are quite aware of the petrol situation in the UK at the moment, with delivery strikes, vastly (crassly) inflated prices and pillocks draining stocks to store it at home in a can. Which is more likely to be kept and then cause a
woof more than anything else. Still, I've been avoiding my local BP garage with the crap-design forecourt and the M&S shopping (all at silly prices, I love the middle classes), mostly because they are consistently the most expensive and are really just taking the piss. Till now, I've no idea why they always have so many customers, but I suppose there's no price on convenience (clearly, the way people go out of their way for certain 'conveniences' sometimes, grumbl grumble). Anyhew, I'm running low after a bit of shopping - more on that later - so I nipped up the road to the next best option, the 2 Texaco places up the road which are marginally cheaper.
Not so today, the fools have inflated their prices, seemingly overnight, by about 5p/L, making them the most expensive for miles around.
126p per litre for unleaded? This is a farcical price. For crying out loud, 113p a litre was farcical, and we passed that mark only back in April sometime, since I commented on it then. And considering we were at about 95p/L only a year ago, it is most worrying. I forsee that roads will become much less busy in certain areas, except that they wont around here because the alternative, public transport, simply does not exist. Crap.
Back to the shopping; I toddled all my way up to Aldi out in Blackwater for cheapo prices, and yes indeed, it is cheaper out there on certain items, but bread was still going at a shocking rate (thank god bread is marginally subsidised). It might not be worth my while going up there all the time, since though there is everything I might need, there's not a heck of a lot of choice, and it's more of a chore with the 'no labelling' thing. Severe lack of kraut also noted. So I shall pay a visit next week to Lidl on the opposite side of the road, and then make a judgement. I think though, that with the petrol crisis about to descend, we're going to get another notch up on the food prices; now is the time for me to start making friends with the allotment people! And anyone who gets snooty about supermarkets, you can stick it; there's 'quality product' (and to my mind, the top-end supermarkets do have better stuff, but it's obscenely marked up and I refuse to be taken for a sucker) and then there's bog standard. Most of the stuff you get in the standard places is not that good anyways, compared with what you can get direct from the growers and producers - it's just annoying that there is no source around here. I miss being able to go shopping in Winchester! Well, I suppose I could, but a 50-mile round trip for the bi-weekly shop seems more than a tad excessive.
That being said, I did put in quite a few miles getting my shopping since I had decided that I wanted to eat liver today, and nowhere can you find it, no sir. So I went to the very nice butcher in Lightwater (who sold me a silly amount of sausages one time, good they were too!) and got some. I'm quite surprised really, there was all kinds of weird offcut and secondary cut in Leeds, and I could really do with a reliable source of half-decent stewing meat, rather than having to cut up joints for myself. More than ever I miss my butcher in Clifton (one of these days I shall have to combine my favourite food shops.....). In the process, I went into the little shop to get some loo roll, and ended up queueing to pay up behind Brian Blessed. Very strange to see familiar faces like that in unexpected places, but then I suppose most people find the time to do their own shopping!
Enough blathering for now, I need a drink and a read....