Well, it isn't any more, but winter is upon us, huh?
December. Not exactly my favourite time of the year for a number of reasons, but there are events aplenty going on at the moment, so I thought that I'd write a little blog post to air out my little corner of the internet and exercise some mental muscles. I've not written anything of any length in a good long while, and it would do me good to get back into the habit.
Part of the reason I'm on blogger rather than my usual haunts is that
WoW:Cataclysm was released today, or perhaps unlocked is a better description. Ordinarily I'd be right in there lapping up some new content, but I guess that since my PC graphics card threw a wobbly at the weekend, and that there are upwards of 5 million people across Europe trying to log in via the same server right now, I'd give it a miss. It's going to be pretty hideous for the next few weeks, and I'm not so totally addicted or dedicated (yet) to have to log in immediately.
Britain has had an inordinate amount of snow this past week, though now almost all of it has gone. At least in the south-east. It were pretty hideous last Weds, I can tell you; having gone down to Brighton the night before, I was greeted by snowy roads the following morning. Or slushy at least. Needs must, so I hopped onto the bike and started making my slow way to work. Not a pleasant journey, with a nice load of wheel spin whilst trying to crawl up a shallow hill, and then even more pant-shitting events as my engine completely shut down in the centre lane of a 3-lane dual carriageway. Eeeks. Luckily I pulled over without collecting anybody (or actually touching my brakes, somehow) and rang in distress for the breakdown people. And luckily we got up to a garage and I'm now in a long queue to get looked at. Suspicion is that owing to improperly treated fluids the carburettors iced up and stopped working, but we will have to see. I'm also replacing my chain and sprockets for the second time in a calendar year, not cheap. But I'd rather not have a dodgy bike.
All of this put together means that my advanced test date has been indefinitely postponed. It was due for Friday 3rd, a day which I actually spent indoors since there was a foot of snow outside and I didn't feel like going out. So keep your fingers crossed for a healthy, throaty bike machine and clement weather,
bloggardes. I'm not nervous about riding in rain, or even cold, but the snow has put the shits up me, and I can do without the extra worry.
In other news, I'm distinctly more chubby. I way precisely the same as ever, but it's redistributed from the obvious places to the obvious places, and I feel lardy. But chilly always means more food please, so we might worry about it come April time.
Righto, bath ready. More tomorrow, but I fear my life is a little bit dull at the moment!