Well, I've got plenty to blog about, and a spare half an hour before I go dashing off to rehearsals, so here goes nothing! It's a bit of a cop-out, but I thought it was about time for another of those questionaire jobbers.....
What is in the back seat of your car right now?Car? Waste of two wheels (:-) In the last car I had there wasnt much on the back seat, but my
first car when I cleaned it out contained newspapers, socks that had gone mouldy and a neat pile of chicken bones.
When was the last time you threw up?
I dont honestly remember.....I was probably a little bit drunk at the time, though
What age will you be next birthday?
I'll be the ripe old of 29....in previous centuries I'd have been classed an old-timer....I feel it, too.
What's your favourite curse word?I dont like to think that I swear, though I know I do; 'fucking' passes my lips more than I'd like it to. Bollocks is an old favourite though.
Name 3 people who made you smile today?Not seen anyone yet, so no-one. Maybe it'll happen later.....
What were you doing at 8 a.m. this morning?Showering. I think. Either that or snoozing.
What were you doing 30 minutes ago?Riding. *enormous fat grin*
Where were you born?
North Tees General, by C-section......from mother's womb untimely ripped, though actually I was 2 weeks overdue because they had to reschedule it or something....
Have you ever been to a strip club?Nope. Dont think I'd want to, either.
What is the last thing you said aloud?'Bye'....was telling workmate that I dont need a lift on Monday!
What is the best ice cream flavour?Depends on the mood....though I'm more likely to pick something fruit-based than chocolate-based.
What was the last thing you had to drink?Cup of coffee? Seems likely.
What are you wearing right now?Clothes, dur.....actually, it's my bike thermals and a T-shirt.
What was the last thing you ate?Leftovers of last night's dinner....though I'm about to wolf a sandwich down too!
Have you bought any new clothes this week?Nope.
Where were you last?Little round-trip over Hogs Back.....Surrey generally....
What's the last sporting event you watched? Who won?Rugby world cup final. South Africa, curses.
Who is the last person you sent a comment/message while blogging?No idea. Not commented in ages. Dont read so many blogs these days, since everyone gave up!
Ever go camping?
Yes. I didnt like it all that much.
Where do you live?The warm heartland of Tory Surrey.....Bagshot.
What song are you listening to?Right now, nowt. Been playing Sondheim recently though.
Do you have a tan?Nope. Natch.
Do you drink your soda from a straw?No.
What did your last text message say?
Ummmm.....delete them, so cant remember!
Who's your best friends?Ignoring the incredible bad grammar in that question.....I dont really know. Friends seem to come and go like the seasons......I'm very bad at staying in touch....
What are you doing tomorrow?Work. Rehearsals.
Where is your mom right now?Technically, nowhere. Even physically I'm not sure! She died back in 2003 and was rapidly oxidised and the resultant carbon deposits scattered.
Look to your right, what do you see?My telly. And a big pile of my crap.
What colour is your watch?Who needs watches?
What do you think of when you think of Australia?Sunshine.
Ever ridden on a roller coaster?Many. Coaster-freak, if I get the chance.
What is your birthstone?I've been told many things....it's all a bit pants.
Do you go in at a fast-food place or just hit the drive through?I do, though I'd usually rather not....though it is an occasional guilty pleasure.
What is your favourite number?The next one.
Do you have a dog?Nope. Not a dog person, really.
Last person you talked to on the phone?T. For those of you who know her! Workmate, she be.
Have you met anyone famous?Dave Parlett. None of you have heard of him. Stephen Briggs? Likewise! Walked past Magnus Magnusson in a corridor.
Any plans today?Rehearsals, and always more rehearsals.
How many states have you lived in?Two. Her Majestiey's United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island, and the
Bundesrepublik. Though that second was illegally for about 2 months!
Ever go to college?Yus, for a very long, long time.
Where are you right now?Home. Where the heart is. Or rather, it isn't, in this case, since that lives about 40 miles away.
Biggest annoyance in your life right now?That I have had to incur debt to afford my new bike. I love it to bits (and will be keeping her in better nick than the other) but am gutted it was forced on me.
Are you in love with someone right now?Yes. Though sometimes he pisses me off somewhat (:-P
Are you allergic to anything?Something. I have histamine response to certain situations, so there must be some kind of allergy somewhere.....nothing in the 'eat a peanut and DIE' scale
Favourite pair of shoes?My bike boots. Though not really shoes, and not exactly things for a formal occasion!
Do any of your friends have children?Plenty. But then several of my friends are quite a bit older than me. In fact, some of my friend's kids are technically in
my generation, which is a bit weird
Do you eat healthy?Yes and no. I tend to cook from fresh most things, so I score highly on the no additives-and-salt front. But I cook and eat lots of things that are bad for me. Delicious, but bad.
What do you usually do during the day?Eat. Drink. Talk. Work. Piss.
Do you use the word 'hello' daily?But of course.
How did you get one of your scars (if you have any)?The one on my inside leg? Jumping over a sharp stick at age 4-or-so. Remember it being very painful.
And that's the lot! Not very interesting, but easy for me to do. And that's good enough for me, for now.