Thursday, January 25, 2007

Contract hellN

Stuff for new job arrived in the post today. Scary reading, it's like signing your whole life away giving them leave to pry into private details of my life. You know there are a tonne of films out there where an unknown turns up in some country town, and after a while wins over the townspeople but has a dark murky past (upon which basically the rest of the plot hinges)....well, I'm not sure you could ever do that any more, what with all the check-up details you need to provide for them to scrutinize you and make sure you dont fiddle your taxes, or molest children or leave the loo seat up. And I know that contracts are written to stop lazy arses taking the piss and nefarious people scamming some company, but it smacks very much of corporate soulessness. Plus it means I finally have to get a new passport to make it easier to deal with all the financial rubbish. And I've got perhaps a gazillion forms to fill in, in triplicate. Curses.

Still, it does mean that things are further on the way to getting fixed for the move. Now I have this contract stuff, I can officially write a resignation letter and breathe that my time in Leeds is coming to an end. And d'you know? I'm actually rather sad about it. Routine is a very insidious thing, it seems, since I'm going to miss the daily round of crazy with this bunch here. Funny how a place grows on you with familiarity.....not to mention the fact that I have to gird my social loins again to make another life in another county......I'm racking up towards double figures of different counties lived in.

Today has been slow all over, the only thing hanging over my head at work is the prospect of having to phone BT again tomorrow and hold for umpteen hours to switch our broadband.....and I need to sort out the bills and things soon too! Bummer. But perhaps March will be the time to do all of that, saves me fretting now - and I can get on with plenty of other chemistry in the meantime. Fun fun fun. I also have to deal with this enormous batch of manganese dioxide which is up the duff and not activated.....bugger knows how I'm supposed to do that, though!


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