Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I've fallen in love with Nigella Lawson. Well, that's a bit of an overstatement, I haven't actually got a romantic obsession with the daughter of a former Thatcherite Chancellor, rather I've been reading one of her books and I've fallen in love. Which, to me, is something pretty spectacular. I'm pretty much riled by the current celebrity chef explosion, it seems in one turn hopelessly patronising and at the other, very faddy or always trying to look for something new and exciting. I've particularly disliked Ms. Lawsons own gastro-erotica on screen, though I have loved piss-takes of her.

On the page, she's a different woman. Direct in style and far more attuned to my own feelings about things and food in general (though I take issue at some of her supply-sourcing stuff) than I thought, I'm finding it a page turner and I just want to get in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans. I haven't been this full of anticipation since I first discovered Elizabeth David, many moons ago now.

So I've made a whopper of an amount of food, way too much for my projected dinner-tomorrow-and-lunch-on-Friday thing......and actually, bugger, I forgot that I'm supposed to be going out for dinner tomorrow for purposes of a leaving do! Arse! I've got eight rather enormous Rouladen sitting in some toothsome juices, and WTF am I going to do with them now?! Also Friday is probably a food write-off, so I'd better deal with them somehow.....but I didnt want to freeze them, and then I'll lose the lovely sauce, and.....I'm an absolute pillock. Still, the cooking was fun......and I suppose if I fridge them then they'll be OK on Thursday, what with it being so bloody cold in our kitchen. Never mind.

But back to my main train of thought, I've been getting into the braising habit, it's the best way of cooking for maximum returns and so easy, so I thought I'd pass along the tip.

Food count today is high. Drink count was however low, though I did have 3 cups of green tea. Must try harder (and use that memory I'm supposed to have).


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