Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blogging in the bathroom

Weird day today, it was really nice earlier with clear skies, not too much wind and general goodness, whereas now it is dark, gusty and raining! Still, I suppose this is more seasonal and I'll appreciate the heavier kinds of food a lot more if it stays this way, but it does make for 'orrible journeys!

Woke up early, then half-dozed for quite a while till getting up, then dithering for ages before deciding to have breakfast. This turned out to be rather heavy, as an entire batch of pancake mix went into the making of only three pancakes, all scoffed by me and cooked in butter. I'm getting used to having no bog-standard oil in the house. I've still got olive oil (extra-virgin no less, ooooh), which is very useful for certain applications (like applying it to a salad *ahem*), but apparently it is no good for stir-frying and possibly positively harmful in that application since prolonged excessive heat causes more rapid degradation of olive oil than other oils, and may release small amounts of radicals and carcinogens. Whoops there, then. But on the other hand, cooking lots of things in butter, whilst delicious and better for me than marg (what with all the heavy metals), is not good for me in terms of cholesterol. I should really start checking up my diet much more, and refusing to eat meat for a bit, which will force me to eat more fish and more veg (until either the mercury poisoning or the pesticides get me).

Went for a little ride around town, ended up going a completely different way to what I intended but never mind, am still amazed by the number of people who decide that indicating isnt really necessary when going around roundabouts *sigh*, and then into town for purchase of some lamb. And only lamb, since I realised I had no cash and then no desire to queue ages for some. So then home, to the supermarket, and covering my bike in its new cover (5th in a year, no less) before it started to piss down and howl. Evening has been spent not doing any tidying up, since that would be depressing, and can be safely saved for tomorrow when the aim will be to not spend any money (in the form of petrol or food, or money itself) and I will be stuck for things to do.

Went to see Mel Gibson's latest bloodfest film with the housemates last night, was not too bad because of some wonderful cinematography, but as far as the material goes, I could tell you all to give it a miss. Plus a tad on the gory side for my squeamish self, so if you dont like a lot of violence, definitely dont go and see it!

About to have a bath, then bed, probably. Life goes on.....


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