Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mrs Update

Or Update-san, as I like to think of her.

Well, much need for an update as so much has happened in the last day or two! I now have an industrial post-doc to go to in deepest darkest Surrey (:-) which is bonus on two counts, it's somewhere to go towards in terms of career, and it's also somewhere to go towards P. I just now have all the hassles of moving the length of the country, all over again. At least I'm heading back to the south and am less than loads of distance from all friends and even family, barring Dad and grandparents. That's probably going to be a sore point. The hassles of moving to include; dealing with unaccountable reps at service companies to cancel everything and get new people in house onto new bills; finding somewhere new and nice to stay and live, that I like; moving itself, ohmigod what a stress, I may have to rope you into this P *please*; telling my currently landlady where to stick it, but politely.

Makes my heart turn over a little bit to think about it! I'm going to have to be all smiley and nice and new all over again, hopefully the last time for a good long while though. New beginnings also mean old endings, and though this one isnt a long-duration of one, I'm still going to be sad to leave these people here, now that I've gotten used to them all! Ah well, I want to be closer to my man more than anything in the world right now. Bless his little cotton socks.

Places to live down south also look like they are going to be expensive, 'specially if I'm going to try and live by myself - buying is out of the question - so I may have to live in a slightly less salubrious place than the country idyll I've been picturing; but we'll just have to see. If I cut back on lots of things, I maybe can move upmarket, but I dont want to be spending almost all my money on rent&bills, I'm still young enough to want to have a bit of spending power!

That's it for now, till next time, bloggardes, I remain your faithful (one-sided) correspondent.....


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