Friday, January 12, 2007

Tired, so very tired

Friday evening, and I was all set for it being the start of the week, what with having yesterday off for the interview and all. But now I've kind of hit a wall, and collapsed in a little heap and just want to sleep! Hopefully it's just that the stresses of yesterday (coupled with the not-so-good sleep of Wednesday night) have finally caught up with me. Since I wasnt altogether rushed off my feet at work today. Oh no.

Very little to tell, I could blog all about the interview but I'd rather not deconstruct the whole thing and just find out what the result is when I do. But I do want to say that the hotel was very nice where they put me up, and that I could get used to these things.....but a good job I wont be allowed to.

Off to the cinema in a bit with housemates to be sociable, and I'm going to force myself to go and enjoy it, even if I fall asleep halfway through!


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