Monday, January 08, 2007

The world never stops being strange

Why is it that I'm so enticing to Frenchmen? Some of you already know that I keep myself an internet presence at other sites apart from this one, and it seems that wherever I go, Frenchmen click on my name in ever greater abundance. Perhaps my name means 'enormous cock' in French or something, I really cant explain it any other way......even with referring to my dearest bloggardes as, well, bloggardes, I really dont know.....

On this note, I also had a randomly long conversation with someone in German. Nice to get the practice! I still got it, though it definitely requires a haul out of the back cupboard and a bit of refreshing.....maybe I should dig out my Goethe and have another bash.....or more sensibly, I should start buying the FAZ, though it always seems depressingly devoid of pictures. This of course says a lot about British journalism, that even self-righteous, pompous, arrogant *I* need photos to spice up my newspaper......


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