Monday, January 22, 2007

Long weekend

Phew, well wasnt Thursday right bloody 'orrible! In more ways than one certainly; after having slogged through the rain and puddles in the morning, it then dried out almost completely owing to the huge amounts of wind. This also led to the trains being disrupted (did you all notice? Did you?), something that did not occur to me until about half past two, when I started checking the web updates, to discover that most services were shafted, but that I could get a bus to Doncaster and then pick up alternative GNER services south. No such luck. By the time I was blown down through town, to include a diversion round most of the pedestrianised centre because the roof tiles were coming off, I found out that almost every service heading south from Yorks or Lancs had been cancelled, that there were trees all over the lines and the roof had come off at Kings X. So much for live web updates.

I really cant be angry with people for the weather, but it did put me almost completely out of joint. Part of the reason I was going south on Thursday was to get my booster Hep B jab (a remnant of the delightful sexual health screen. No, I dont have Hep B) early on Friday morning. With no way of getting to Brighton by any feasible method, I had to can it, rearrange the appointment for Monday (lucky we couldnt do any work that day, due to electrical outage) and then go back to work, another gusty, detoured walk.

Arriving back at work all sweaty and icky, I had a bit of a depressed rant at everyone - I'm good at it, as all of my favoured bloggardes know and have experienced to their dismay/humour - and then almost failed to do any further work. Some stuff done, lots of chatty-chatty with people at work (very funny at times), only to realise that the heavens were opening again, and that (due to local services also cancelled due to high winds, curses) I had to walk all the bloody way home again in the pouring rain. Fucksocks.

So, Thursday evening and night saw a very unhappy me facing the prospect of no P over the weekend and an enormously hassleful rearrangement of Hep B jab to a Leeds clinic. Fortunately, rising too early on Friday morning saw me getting a very early bus (overpaid due to lack of change, worse luck) and then an early train to London, which all went smoothly to Kings X, which still had a roof, from what I could tell. A quick hop to Thameslink whilst burning my hands with a cup of extremely hot coffee (through 2 paper cups, people) and then I got on my train to Brighton. Or at least what I thought was my train to Brighton, but was in fact a service to Wimbledon. With the shafted rail network, they didnt announce a different train, and since the first few stops are the same crossing central London, I didnt notice until we were out in the deepest darkest parts of Herne Hill (wherever that is) and had to backtrack to Blackfriars and wait for another train, making my journey another hour longer. Ah well, idiocy knows no borders, huh?

Finally arrived in Brighton, scooted up to P and really felt like bursting into tears from the sheer relief of it. Glad I didnt (I'd have gotten a funny look), but it really was a slog of a trip, if you consider that it lasted about 24 hours from 2pm Thurs. And so to a weekend of niceness and scrappy arguments (tiff? awful word, but possibly apt), and then I'm back home to find lots of things rearranged and decisions and things to be made. I'll be glad to move out and into somewhere of my own, just so that I dont get such surprises; it's not that it's nothing I cant/wont deal with, just it'll be one less thing to be disturbed from my rut by. Of course I dont care that Tracey tidied everything away into cupboards, but then again, I do in an unquantifiable manner. Unreasonably, 'tis true, but hey. Roll on back to Southampton, where we just seemed to rub along (though maybe it was all seething and I didnt ever notice!).

Anyhow, I've been looking at expensive flats in Surrey, had to move to the most expensive part of the country, huh? Looks like I'm going to be forking out in the region of £600pcm if I really want to live by myself, and not have to commute for buggery ages every morning (something that I'm not even going to consider). Ah well. I'll just have to cut back on all that porn I've been buying......sorry, erotic films....whoops, sorry, arthouse films.....ah, what the crap, I've been spending it all on coffee and bloody saucepans and extra train tickets!

Looking forward to a leisurely day tomorrow, I'm going to force myself to do paperwork (if I even can) and not go OTT at the bench. Since I also need to get things moving post-haste on the house front, to avoid the farcical trips and petrol expense last January, that oh-so-long time ago, time really has flown.......


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