Sunday, January 14, 2007


So much for my promises and sweet words about spending money on neither petrol nor food this weekend. I have, in fact, done both; and since I picked up the wrong wotist by mistake, I've put super-duper unleaded petrol in my bike instead of the bog standard unleaded. Cant say as I notice any difference, except in the price.....which is what makes it all the more annoying! Petrol was needed because I not only had my little spin around the ring road, but today was so nice I went up hill and down dale all afternoon, then came home. But then realised I was having so much fun and didnt want to stop just yet, so headed out again for some night riding. Great fun, but only because the roads are almost empty and it's dry as a bone. Good riding weather, not (at all) hot so the road isnt sticky, bliss bliss bliss. Perhaps I should have gone out for a really long run. I also ended up getting myself lunch out, and a cuppa too. Never mind. I can afford it, so long as I dont buy any more food this week except bread. This is of course forgetting my breakfast every morning from Bakery 164, that I now cannot live without. *sigh* it's hard work being me, isnt it? Plus I've started to read this rather good book all about cooking from the old Soviet bloc (Eastern Europe doesnt do it justice, so it's easier to use the out-of-date term, no?), and so making myself ever-more greedy. Plus I now want to invest in an enormous ham-casserole to double for the poaching of dumplings and boiling of sheep's heads, and loads of cloths and curd cheeses and flagrant luxuries, just to turn myself into an enormous blob, or vollschlank as the Austrians would have it.

Thank goodness I'm back at work tomorrow, and can hopefully get over my culinary and petrolhead obsessions!


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