Sunday, January 07, 2007

One week old 2007

Well, almost.

Sunday is the day of rest, they tell me, but I feel absolutely knackered! This is due to a short sharp shopping trip into town sans bike. Bike is still locked up in Sarah's garage, hopefully will be getting her back tomorrow but we'll just have to see. Any rate, I've bought far too much and wouldnt have been able to bring it home on bikeback, lacking in luggage space as I am.

I've gone all pancake-minded of late, thanks to making myself some very nice apple ones yesterday morning, and I think I'm going to have an addiction to them all again. They are so easy to make yet so lush. Pancakes are the way forward, people. On this culinary note, I can add that today's shopping consisted almost entirely of cooking-related items; a new saucepan, a new slow cooker and a new sauteuse (and that's not a lady who fries things). Also a new set of knives - can never have too many - and a potato ricer for all by mashing needs. Brill. Shopping itself has been a nice experience, dawdled in Borders for ages and had three cups of coffee (full-strength, and now I've got jitters, too long on the decaff!). Also had a strange bit of synchronicity, listening to Waterloo Sunset in a department store before emerging onto the street to hear the busker playing the same song. Most odd.

Still, it's been relaxing apart from breaking my arms carrying all this stuff home, and I'm inspiried to do a bit of reading and cooking again. Meditation may even be on the cards. Who knows? And then maybe a spot of internet shopping too, can never spend too much money! Well, you actually can, but since I've given up the idea of swopping my bike for something bigger for at least a couple of years (lack of secure parking means I'm not willing to take the insurance gamble), it means I can splash on smaller stuff for a change.

Tomorrow promises to be a very broken day, what with practising my own presentation and no doubt listening to several others courtesy of interviews at work. Nice. Still, keeps me away from the toxic stuff!


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