Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Total mental shutdown, or the amazing delights of caffeine

Dear oh dear. Today was both terribly awful and miraculous at the same time. Words I heard from different people numerous times in the day!

Anyhow, the deal is that it was a normal day right up to about two o'clock, when I almost fell right asleep. Daft, eh? I was all ready for just putting my noggin on the desk and snoring away, yawning and eye-sleepy-blinking all over the place. Luckily Steve (another Steve - why does everyone I know have the same name?) rescued me, took me across the road and allowed me to knock back double espresso without commenting on caffeine intake. Thankyou. It sorted me out, and within an hour or so I was back up to normal speed, though I shall be getting a very early night tonight.

Checked e-mail about four to discover landlady message saying that she was coming round at 11 (3 hours notice, wooo! - good job I *havent* been inviting people over and having a party, like I really should whilst the house is empty), and then again in the evening. They did come in the evening and toured house without really letting them talk to me, the guy who already lives here - though I made sure I did say some words! Anyhoo. One's a blatant out-and-out poof, never mind, with the spiky hair-do and the floppy arms (well, I cant moan there, I have the floppy arms), and a quite reserved young lady who I was guessing is a nurse. We'll see what comes of it, but I'm not really hopeful.

Need to miraculously pull some work out of my arse for the boss about something he asked me to look at. Have to do it next week, just another thing to worry about! Arses and cockflaplets. I'm so glad I'm going to see P this weekend, I want to just hug and hug and hug and inhale him.

Rest of tonight: Bath, perhaps a little reading, and then BED. So knackered. Must remember to have lots of non-coffee liquids both today and tomorrow, it could be an issue; the decaff overdose is fooling me into thinking I've had more, and so my body is responding to coffee of which it has not had the benefit. Damn you, placebo effect!


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