Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Even keel

I'm back on one after the hideous ride over the weekend. All back to pretty much normal. Carpet cleaner guy came this morning - for which I was told the day before, nice - and so carpets appear a bit cleaner. Landlady also came to give her 'TLC' for the house which involved;
  • clearing away the clean items from the draining rack (which I then had to hunt and put them back in the correct places);
  • putting my loaf of bread away from the side into a cupboard, but no other items (OMfG), don't understand that for a minute;
  • rearranging a chair in the sitting room so that it does form a nice together sitting arrangement, but looks from the door like it's just been plonked in the middle of the room;
  • putting bedsheets on the unused beds.
I don't see how any of this will help. No sign of window washing as she had said, or fixing of dodgy handles or anything with the back kitchen wall..... I do despair sometimes, I really do!

Also received message from boss, asking me to send him a data file, so I reached for my USB key only to find that I've lost it somewhere. Oh bugger. There was a lot of stuff on there that was useful and handy to have, only now it's gone. Luckily I have the data stored on CD and can just send it from there! Only I dont seem to be able to; cant attach the files to an email, even though I've compressed them. One for tomorrow, perhaps. More hassle on top of all of the other work stuff I have on at the moment!

P's had a bit of sad news today, so I'm sending him out big *sympathy hugs* and my boney shoulders as a resting post. Sorry I'm not there, tiger, but you know I feel for you.

Not much more to tell of the day. I've gone through an entire pot of instant decaff coffee by myself in three weeks. That's a lot of decaff. But thank bollocks it is decaff, otherwise I'd have drunk the same quantity in the hard-core stuff. I badly need to buy green tea again and start drinking that. Rehydrate, radical traps and relaxing (rather than stimulating). Just what I need.

See y'all round, y'all.


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