Monday, October 09, 2006

Woozy tired

I seem to be tired all the time these days. Am I working to hard? Possibly. The reason I am tired today is the teaching I've been doing all afternoon.

Fun, it is not. But then, it's not exactly a torturous thing either, just a bit of a strain on the legs, mind and voice. I always seem to end up at 5 just gasping for a drink and wanting nothing but to go home. Which I did in the end, but not till gone half six. Bad habits are hard to get out of.

Curry again for dinner this evening, I've not eaten so much of it in a long time and will no doubt regret it come morning, but I really couldnt be bothered to cook for a long time when I got home, and to be fair, I havent exactly been marketing very well for myself of late. Next week will perhaps be one for sitting down, writing a big list of healthy shopping, getting home in time to cook it and then cooking it. And enjoying cooking like I do. Maybe I should bake, muffins do have a habit of easing away the cares of the world ('specially when you eat a whole batch all by yourself, warm from the oven with the assistance of ice-cream)? A nice idea, and one for later in the week.

Time for bed now.......


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