Friday, October 06, 2006

Channelling energy

Returning to the ever popular theme, isnt my landlady fantastic? This time she's been showing some guy around again - I'll have to get used to the idea that she isn't ever going to tell me about it, and will come in and rearrange all my items - but she left her set of keys inside and locked them in. Pillock. Also, she seems to have an inordinate bread prejudice. Why it is so objectionable to have a loaf of bread out on the side in the kitchen, I can't imagine. It's not the supermarket brand, though, since I've varied between Waitrose bread and Morrissons bread, so she's neither thrifty nor snobbish regarding her bread products, just odd. This time the not-quite-entire loaf went into the fridge, not the cleverest place where it can get wet and go mouldy with rapidity.

Also, my casserole went into the fridge. That's the whole 2-quart cast-iron casserole, which only just fits in the salad drawer at the bottom, apparently. It's a good job I didnt have much else in there or it would have been crushed out of the way. Why a casserole is so objectionable on the oven-top is also beyond me, even if it does contain a large amount of beef stew. *shrugs* Though this lack-of-space-in-the-fridge incident will probably in no way alert her to the fact that in a shared house, fridge space is like gold dust and so hiding away the large fridge in the cellar was the most dumb-assed idea since unsliced bread. For four independent people, the titchy job in the kitchen is nowhere near enough. As it was, we only just managed between four of us with the big fridge because one of us was never around and never seemed to buy food!

Never mind. We also seemed to acquire a bathmat, something that I've quickly rushed back away into the cupboard, since it a) looks patently ridiculous and b) will go mouldy if left out, because no-one will wash it. And you dont need it. So, it's back to normal for a little while until landlady comes again without notice to rearrange my stuff......ah well......

Back to normal stuff. Today was slightly less crazy than yesterday, though this is only a relative thing. I need calming down, but I just dont seem to be able to manage it. I also badly need to apply for more jobs and polish up my presentational stuff; otherwise, it'll get to next Easter and I'll be big fat unemployed, and that wont be good. Have nearly been collecting squirrels under my tyres, I have three run out just in front of me in recent days, including one that ran away from me (moving at low speed!) across my path, lucky I was on my clutch already! Dont really want to be cleaning blood up, messy.

Tomorrow is another day of work, specifically of the paper variety. I'm going in to sort out everything possible desk-related, so I can hit Monday at a run with the lab stuff. And I'm going to buy the second series of Green Wing to watch in the coming weeks. And have a nice lunch. And not think about stoopid landlady.


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