Thursday, October 05, 2006


I do have to worry about my sanity sometimes. Well, maybe. It's all a matter of the time of day. Currently I'm getting into work early, with a hard-ass workaholic attitude and the desire to crack on, which I do - then it runs out at around two, half two, when I think that the day is nearly over but actually there's another couple of hours of slog left.

Except this post-prandial time now seems to have been reserved for other activities. Basically, something in the earlier part of the day involves me drinking sap from the crazy tree and by about half three, I'm bouncing around the walls, doing my stoopid Mr Slavic voice (that irritates even me, wtf must everyone else be doing with it?), worked up to through the Zummerzet voice (cheers Mandy, it's your influence, duck). And then sheer and utter madness courtesy of discussion with Dr B. Most disturbing.

I do try to be sane and sensible, but talking absolute bollocks and not doing any work is far more fun. I suspect tomorrow will be even worse, what with it being Friday and afternoon work is at opposite-of-premium. We'll see.

Time to go cook for a long time and in the meantime eat stuff. Nice.


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