Sunday, June 25, 2006

I'm gonna wait 'till the midnight hour....

That's when....well, I post my blog, I suspect.

Great weekend of truly lazy proportions. After having arrived early in Brighton on Friday evening thanks to me spotting an earlier train at Victoria and smooth running of the tube system (shock horror), spent the next hour or two cruising the aisles in Asda with P. And literally just cruising, filling up a trolley with sundry goods, and not what you lot were thinking (do you really think that of me? (:$ ). Turns out P doesnt like my foody habit of going ummm and aaah over every single item, something I positively enjoy! Never mind. Had a rather nice argument along the way, one of those 'we're having a strop but we're not really having an argument' things, but I refuse to turn into a couple that tiffs in public. It's not pretty and it's not clever. And then home to some long-awaited hugs (hugs are the best part of weekends with P) and prawn curry, courtesy of Crazy Prawn Man in the supermarket who was very adamant about people having some cheap knock-down prawns. Lush.

Saturday was a lovely sunny day, so of course we spent it indoors, lazing about. P, bless, isnt sleeping very well at the moment, or at least not in my rigid 7 hour slumber fashion (though I can appreciate why - see later). So I let him sleep in late come the morning, while I had a nice bath and played a little Chuzzle. A nice morning. And in the afternoon we were heading out to the beach for a sit, but it was rather warm for P (he doesnt take it well, maybe I should move to Svalbard with him in tow for tepid moose action) so we had an ice-cream (panna cotta, people - should be high on your lists!) and then went and saw Fearless after P's protesting earlier in the day that he wasnt so bothered about seeing it! Quite a decent film, I'm turning into quite the cinephile to the detriment of my theatre-going! Have to maybe remedy that one.....

Sunday is always a bittersweet day for me when in Brighton. Sweet, for obvious reasons, and bitter because I know I have to take the long journey home (since the getting-up-at-0430h-to-catch-the train thing was tried and was painful). Always get a little emotional and down over it, dont know how P remains so upbeat with it all (but I love 'im for it). Still, it's brought me home safe, and I get to blog about it again. Ready for early morning work again (though NO coffee for me this week, or at least no more than one cup per day), and the realisation that it's two weeks since the really hot weather and my lunchtime trip to Morrisons with the council tax bill.

Reminds me: need to get a final bill for the end of June since folks are moving out! And need to ring this other guy in the morning about him visiting, since he called. Hopefully will turn out nicer than current crop (though fair play to them, they arent as bad as I first thought).

A couple of other observations from this weekend: saw some crazy biker guy along the seafront sitting on his fuel tank going along no hands.....mad! Looked quite fun though, I must admit; though my throttle rolls shut when you let go, so it aint happening (not least because I havent got the bollocks for it). Also, I need a long hard look at the whole 'future' thing, to see if I can get somewhere nearer where I want to be, geographically and career-ially. Though both of those things are worrisome thinking all around, since moving is such a chore and inertia is my favourite pastime right now.....


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