Thursday, June 15, 2006

Head together?

Slightly more easy now, and perhaps even coherent! Went for a little walk outside - quite warm - across the road and past the Abbey. Continued along a track past the rugby pitches and further along the river, where the path slowly became more and more overgrown until it petered out in a patch of ivy. Pretty sure there was a path underneath there, but it was quite a slope (walking along a 50-degree incline aint so easy when it's loose underfoot!) and I really didnt want to find myself wading. Plus it was right by what looked like a sewage outflow, so I turned back and eventually scrambled up a bank to the main road. Bit of a detour, but never mind! And then walked back down the road and home for a cup of tea and a bath.

Much time to do some thinking and some calming down. Perhaps I've been over-stimulating myself (fnar), in that I havent just sat and done nothing, or gone walking with my own thoughts (I never walk anywhere these days, what's happened to me! Used to walk down to the sea from my house quite regularly - and that was a couple of miles each way) in quite a while. Obviously I need the downtime, and an escape from my internet delights, music and biking. Perhaps I'll take this opportunity to walk into Horsforth come Sunday, just for the hell of it. Would be nice.

Still havent booked bike MOT or gone to the bank. Must do that either tomorrow or Monday. I has sssss-poken!

Life is a little easier if you dont take it seriously, and step outside your head for a while. I'll be doing this more often, I think.....


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