Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What? MOT

Bike just had MOT and passed, always a relief! For some reason I was incredibly nervous, but it was actually quite pleasant to sit out in the sun and play mobile phone backgammon for a while....

Hands are paying the price for the coffee overdose yesterday, or alternatively the excessive amounts of scrubbing and detergent on both bike and pots. Not pleasant. Even had to slap on some steroids this morning, as I had a interlock-the-fingers-and-twist-for-all-you're-worth moment (fellow sufferers will understand what I mean). But I think it's easing off, and what with one thing and another I've not had the opportunity for a cup this morning. Admitedly, this has been coupled with a complete lack of breakfast - literally not a sausage - and so lunch has been a pleasure to buy. Reckless extravagance!

Rest of the day to be spent listening to talks. And then I shall set up some reactions, and go home for a delightful evening making frikadellen. Lush.


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